@VW Group: 18th Porsche Awards handed over005152

Tobias Wilhelmer, Stefanie Gödicke, Zornitsa Dimitrova (all A Dark Moment of Faith, FABW), Kevin Wilson Jr. (Unboxing, USA), Dominik Ströhle, Yili Baumann and Sinan Sevinc (all Dirty Money, FABW) (l-r), 2022, Porsche AG

For almost two decades, the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (FABW) has been awarding prizes to young film-makers active in the field of advertising spots. Porsche was on board as a sponsor from the outset.

This year’s “Porsche Awards 2022 – for Young Talents in Advertising” saw four prizes being presented in three categories. A 12-member jury selects the winners. The ceremony was held in the Filmakademie’s Albrecht Ade Studio on 24 May. Two prizes stayed in Ludwigsburg, while two others went to winners from the US and Hamburg.


The winner in the category Short Advertising Content was the spot DIRTY MONEY for Apple Pay (directed by Sinan Sevinç and Dominik Ströhle). The amusing advertising spot about the dirty journey taken by a dollar bill is a production by students at FABW. The jury praised the spot’s clear concept and concise message. Particular praise was reserved for the excellent camerawork and direction as well as the humour, which makes the viewer eager to watch the spot more than once.


The US American team of “States United to Prevent Gun Violence: UNBOXING” (directed by Kevin Wilson Jr.) took the prize in the Long Advertising Content category. The US-produced social spot focusses on the disturbing fact that every day, eight children in the United States are shot with an unsecured weapon or accidentally shoot themselves. The jury was deeply touched by the spot, which builds up a gripping sense of tension and leaves the viewer with goosebumps. “It has an exceptional opening and takes the perfect amount of time to unspool its powerful message: the storytelling, execution, timing and acting are compelling, as is the clever and multi-layered use of the YouTube format.”


The name of the third category, “Driven by Dreams”, is based on the brand purpose of Porsche and a quote from company founder Ferry Porsche, who searched in vain for his dream car and therefore decided to build it himself. This category encompasses films that encourage us to believe in our own dreams and to strive for a future worth living in.

In the category “Driven by Dreams”, the FABW short film A DARK MOMENT OF FAITH, directed by Zornitsa Dimitrova, took the prize. The film was produced for stopthetraffik.org, an organisation dedicated to combatting human trafficking and exploitation. The film portrays Vicky, a young woman who sees no other way to raise money for her mother’s funeral than to sell her body – until she meets Vasco. The skilfully staged road movie won the jury over with its outstanding cast and adroit direction: “The story unfolds step by step and culminates in a surprising ending and a powerful message.”

Praise mentioned: #THEOTHERVULVA

This year’s field of entrants for the Porsche Awards featured an unusually high number of spots with powerful statements and skilful execution. In recognition of this, the jury issued a “SPECIAL MENTION” in the Driven by Dreams category, to the delight of the Hamburg Media School team. Its spot #THEOTHERVULVA for Plan International Deutschland/NALA e.V. draws attention to the devastating consequences of the gruesome practice of female genital mutilation, which is still practised in many countries around the world today. “We felt that this film deserved special mention in this category due to the strong social relevance of its theme as well as its short but extremely gripping execution,” wrote the jury.

Daniel Huntely, Julica Hauke (Managing Partner, Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur, Hamburg), Matthias Lebeer (Director, London) und Oliver Hoffmann (Director Marketing Communications, Porsche AG, Stuttgart) (l-r), 2022, Porsche AG

Daniel Huntely, Julica Hauke (Managing Partner, Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur, Hamburg), Matthias Lebeer (Director, London) and Oliver Hoffmann (Director Marketing Communications, Porsche AG, Stuttgart) (l-r)

Oliver Hoffmann, Head of Marketing Communications at Porsche, has been a regular member of the 6-member jury for many years. He was particularly pleased to see the event’s special atmosphere return this year: “Once again, it was great fun for me to see the work of the young, talented filmmakers who set to work with a certain innocence, carefreeness and special curiosity. What particularly convinced me this time was that all the films on the shortlist have a strong message and address socially relevant issues. This shows how important a certain attitude is for the young filmmakers and led us as a jury to be spoilt for choice in the end.”

Jury spoilt for choice

Out of 121 submissions from 24 countries, the international jury initially selected twelve nominees. In addition to Oliver Hoffmann, the jury included Julica Hauke, Managing Partner at the advertising agency Grabarz & Partner, and Daniel Huntley, a London-based news editor. One winner was named in each prize category. The three successful teams each received a trophy and prize money of €4,911 – a nod to the classic Porsche 911 sports car.

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