The end of combustion engines is a political commitment

Jörg Hofmann on the vote of the European Parliament

Photo: IG Metall

Photo: IG Metall

June 9, 20229. June 2022

In the vote on June 8th, the European Parliament decided to reduce the CO2 limit values ​​for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles to 0 g/km in 2035. Jörg Hofmann, First Chairman of IG Metall, says:

“Voting to phase out combustion engines is a voluntary commitment by politicians at all levels. It now has to create the framework conditions with high pressure so that this goal can be achieved. We need a Europe-wide expansion of the charging infrastructure and renewable energies, a solution to the supply chain and raw material problems of electromobility, extensive political support: for the conversion of industry and the creation of new value creation and employment. All employees need a perspective. All of this must now be the focus of the forthcoming trilogue negotiations!”

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