Lingao, Hometown of Chinese Folk Arts, glitters on Culture and Natural Heritage Day

The “Lilimei” is a kind of folk song popular among the fishermen of Lingao, with distinctive local cultural color and flavor. It is not only a typical representation of the Han folk songs and ballads in Hainan Province, but also the supreme fishermen songs with artistic charms in China.

The “Puppet Play” is a rare variety of traditional folk opera in China. The puppets and actors perform together, telling humorous and philosophical stories with intriguing plots, accompanied by beautiful and witty language. During the festivals and holidays, the performances of “Lilimei” and “Puppet Play” are important entertainment events in many villages.

Lingao’s “Lilimei” and “Puppet Play” performances have been included on the third list of the intangible cultural heritage items under state protection.

Lingao County, with profound culture, has been hailed as “the Hometown of Chinese Folk Arts”, “the Hometown of Chinese Poetry” and “the Hometown of Chinese Folk Art Forms”. In addition, Lingao boasts of the fame as a “Land of Fish and Rice” for its fertile land and abundant products.

Image Attachments Links:
   Caption: The “Puppet Play”

SOURCE Publicity Department of Lingao County Party Committee

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