Collective bargaining agreement in the iron and steel industry

Jörg Hofmann, First Chairman of IG Metall, commented on the wage agreement reached in the iron and steel industry last night:

“The result of the negotiations is the highest percentage increase in wages in the steel industry for 30 years. It is the right answer to the very good earnings situation of the vast majority of companies in the industry.

For the employees, the result means a noticeable relief in view of the sharp rise in prices. From now on you will have significantly more money in your wallet.

The colleagues fought for this success themselves: the large participation in the warning strikes was a convincing signal that was received by the employers.

Despite this good result, politicians are still called upon: they must ensure further relief in the coming months and use effective means to counteract the rising prices.”

IG Metall and employers had reached a result in the fourth round of negotiations on Wednesday night. Accordingly, salaries and training allowances will increase by 6.5 percent from August 1, 2022. A payment of 500 euros was agreed for the months of June and July 2022. The trainees receive 200 euros. The term of the collective agreement is 18 months and ends on November 30, 2023.

In addition, it was decided to extend the collective agreements on partial retirement, job security and the use of work contracts. A collective agreement on dual students is to be submitted by July 31, 2022.

More information and press photos from Jörg Hofmann

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