MICHELIN AirProne: air cushions for the treatment of patients in intensive care

On the occasion of the Intensive Care Show 2022 – an annual forum for intensive care specialists, anesthetists-intensive care specialists, pediatricians, emergency physicians and paramedics – Michelin will bring out MICHELIN AirProne, an innovative air cushion kit designed for patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

During the health crisis, demand for equipment to assist intensive care patients increased significantly. It was in this context, that Michelin designed MICHELIN AirProne. Developed jointly with Amiens University Hospital, the solution has also been trialed in 9 French hospitals: Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, La Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital, Beaujon University Hospital, Nord-Franche-Comté University Hospital, Lyon Civil Hospice, St Nazaire Hospital Center, Garches Hospital Center, Ales-Cévennes Hospital Center and Lille University Hospital.

The purpose of this class 1 medical device is to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers, and to improve the ventilatory vital signs and comfort of patients in the prone position. The MICHELIN AirProne kit consists of cushions for the head, chest, pelvis, right arm, left arm, the knees and the shins. The cushions offer greater pressure distribution, while ensuring better patient positioning. The particularly complex headrest ensures no pressure is placed on the ear, provides side support and evenly distributes pressure. The 3D fabric meanwhile, drains off secretions and reduces perspiration.

Manufacture of the MICHELIN AirProne has been entrusted to AirCaptif, a French startup specialized in ultralight inflatable structures, which Michelin acquired in 2021.

“The Michelin teams are particularly proud to launch MICHELIN AirProne. Designed as an emergency response during the Covid crisis, the solution highlights Michelin’s capacity for innovation and the potential bridges that exist between tire manufacturing and a multitude of other sectors like the healthcare industry for example. We thank Amiens University Hospital and the 9 French hospitals who were pivotal during the development of the device”, stated Pierre-Henri Legrand, Business Initiative Leader.

MICHELIN AirProne, guaranteed 2 years, is available now in France and will shortly be available elsewhere in Europe. Find more information on the MICHELIN AirProne website at: https://airprone.michelin.com/

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