Inceptio Technology became the first company in China to receive the driverless public road-testing permit for L4 autonomous driving heavy-duty trucks.

Previously, on December 23, 2021, Inceptio Technology completed China’s first L4 driverless heavy-duty truck test based on Inceptio’s mass production capability on a closed highway in Laiwu, Shandong. Inceptio’s trucks successfully handled a wide range of highway scenarios and traffic flow without any human intervention.

Julian Ma, the founder and CEO of Inceptio Technology, said, “Becoming the first company to obtain the L4 autonomous heavy-duty truck road testing permit in Deqing greatly recognizes Inceptio’s expertise in autonomous driving technology. Inceptio will maximize this advantage to further advance its leadership in technology and products, and contribute new breakthroughs to China’s autonomous driving industry.”

SOURCE Inceptio Technology

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