Car sales in June 2022

In June, 14,901 new passenger cars were registered, 5,491 fewer (-26.9%) than in June 2021, in the first half of the year 68,505 new passenger cars were registered, 15,425 fewer than in the first half of 2021. Among the new passenger cars The zero-emission cars had a 78.7 per cent market share in June, in the same month last year the market share was 64.7 per cent.

All figures from OFV:

Here are the key figures for June and the first half of 2022:

Passenger cars Number June 2022 Change compared to June 2021 Number so far in 2022 Change compared to 2021
New 14 901 – 26.9% 68 505 – 18.4%
Used imported 1 668 – 12.8% 8 550 + 3.1%
Change of ownership 48 740 – 9.0% 255 037 – 2.3%

2721 new vans

Vans / motorhomes Number 2022 Change compared to June 2021 Number so far in 2022 Change compared to 2021
Total new vans 2 721 – 21.9% 13 213 – 27.8%
New motorhomes registered as vans 189 – 37.2% 723 – 32.7%
New vans without motorhomes 2 532 – 20.5% 12 490 – 27.5%

11,722 new zero-emission passenger cars

First-time registered passenger cars with zero emissions Number June 2022 Change compared to June 2021 Number so far in 2022 Change compared to 2021
New 11 722 – 11.1% 54 177 + 12.7%
Used imported 1 207 + 26.3% 6 402 + 49.2%
Totally first time registered 12 929 – 8.6% 60 579 + 15.7%

621 new zero-emission vans (Classes 1 and 2)

First-time registered vans (1 + 2 hours) with zero emissions Number June 2022 Change compared to June 2021 Number so far in 2022 Change compared to 2021
New vans class 1 and 2 621 + 35.3% 2 619 – 19.3%
Second-hand imported vans class 1 and 2 3 50.0% 64 + 540.0%
Total vans class 1 and 2 624 + 35.4% 2 683 – 17.5%
Of which new vans class 2 610 + 33.2% 2 584 -19.5%
Used imported vans class 2 3 + 200.0% 60 + 566.7%
Total vans class 2 613 + 33.6% 2 644 -17.9%

1669 new rechargeable hybrid passenger cars in June

Passenger cars Number June 2022 Change compared to June 2021 Number so far in 2022 Change compared to 2021
Hybrid cars not rechargeable 549 – 60.8% 3 248 – 45.8%
Rechargeable hybrid cars 1 669 – 59.7% 6 364 – 70.1%
In total 2 218 – 60.0% 9 612 – 64.8%

Fuel market shares new passenger cars

Passenger cars Number in June 2022 Market share in June 2022 Market share in June 2021 Market share so far in 2022 Market share same period in 2021
Only petrol engine 410 2.8% 3.8% 3.5% 5.1%
Only diesel engine 551 3.7% 4.4% 3.4% 5.1%
Hybrids all 2 218 14.9% 27.2% 14.0% 32.5%
Zero emissions 11 722 78.7% 64.7% 79.1% 57.3%

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