@VW Group: Water recycling at Audi Brussels – commitment to sustainable use of water resources005384

Gray water instead of fresh water: Audi Brussels is investing in the “Re-use” project and together with Hydria, the Brussels South Wastewater Treatment Plant, is integrating it into the plant’s water supply. The establishment of a circular water system saves around 100,000 cubic meters of drinking water annually. As a CO2-neutral plant, Audi Brussels pursues a holistic sustainable approach and relies on innovative measures that ensure resource-saving and sustainable production.

Clean drinking water is one of the world’s most valuable resources and is a fundamental basis for all ecosystems. The production of vehicles requires large quantities of water. The paint shop, for example, is one station in the production process that is characterized by particularly high water consumption. Audi Brussels is therefore investing in the “Re-use” project, which enables a switch from fresh water to gray water in production.

Water recycling through the use of a closed loop

Audi Brussels is cooperating with Hydria to set up a circular water cycle. In a public-private partnership with the Brussels-Capital Region, the company operates the Brussels South Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is located close to the Audi plant. This enables Audi Brussels to integrate gray water into its industrial processes by working with external partner Hydria to treat and purify wastewater generated during production and return it to the cycle. This closed loop can save more than 100,000 cubic meters of drinking water annually. This is roughly equivalent to the volume of 40 filled Olympic swimming pools. The plant is the first company to contractually participate with Hydria in the smart and sustainable reuse of treated waste water.

Sustainable approach in all areas of production

“Careful use of our drinking water resources plays a central role for us. With the Brussels South Wastewater Treatment Plant near our plant, we are integrating an innovative technology to save water resources. This underlines our commitment to sustainable business,” says Volker Germann, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Brussels. The Brussels plant has already been net carbon-neutral since 2018, making it the world’s first CO2-neutral large-scale production facility in the premium segment. As a pioneering example of a sustainable production site, Audi Brussels continuously optimizes its resource consumption and relies on efficient technologies in its processes.

Integration in environmental strategy Mission:Zero

Careful and efficient use of water is a central field of action in Audi’s cross-site environmental program Mission:Zero. By 2035, the company plans to halve the ecologically weighted water consumption per vehicle produced from an average of around 3.75 cubic meters today to around 1.75 cubic meters. In addition to water use, the decarbonization of production and logistics, biodiversity and resource efficiency are central fields of action for Mission:Zero.

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