Grupo Antolin’s Communication on Progress has been acknowledged with the Advanced Level by the United Nations Global Compact

The report outlines the objectives set by the company, the actions underway and the results achieved with the aim of complying with the Ten Principles of the Global Compact.

With the Advanced Level, the United Nations Global Compact Office recognizes those companies that strive to excel in their communication and widely report on their best practices in sustainability management and governance. Specifically, the Office assessed that Grupo Antolin’s Integrated Report describes actions and relevant policies related to Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption as well as includes a measurement of outcomes.

With the publication of the 2021 Integrated Report, Grupo Antolin continues to make progress in its commitment to the principles of transparency and reliability that stakeholders demand when receiving detailed, accurate and rigorous information about the company’s activity throughout the year.

In addition to reflecting major milestones and projects, financial figures and the Sustainability Balance Sheet, the 2021 Integrated Report highlights the company’s new ESG (environmental, social and governance) objectives to create value for Planet, People and Business, as well as the actions undertaken to achieve them.

Antolin is a founding member of the Spanish Network of the United Nations’ Global Compact and member of its Executive Committee. Since 2004, Grupo Antolin has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact’s corporate responsibility initiative. 

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