Mahindra Group To Go Carbon Neutral by 2040 Focus on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power

Mahindra Group To Go Carbon Neutral by 2040 Focus on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Power

California Sept 14, 2018: Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), India’s leading manufacturer of utility vehicles and part of the USD 20.7 billion Mahindra Group, today announced its commitment to become a carbon neutral company by 2040. Mahindra will focus on energy efficiency and the use of renewable power to achieve this target. Residual emissions will be addressed through carbon sinks.

Anand Mahindra, Chairman, Mahindra Group and co-chair of the Global Climate Action Summit currently under way in San Francisco committed that his entire group of businesses would become carbon neutral.

This is significant because earlier Mr Mahindra had pledged that only its flagship company – Mahindra & Mahindra – would become carbon neutral by 2040. However, after listening to leaders speak at the Summit, he upped the ante on his commitment by extending that pledge to the entire group.

“We are doing our part in the global fight against climate change with this ambitious new target. Mahindra will leverage the latest technological advances and its recently announced Carbon Price to work towards being carbon neutral by 2040.”

M&M was the first company in the world to commit to doubling energy productivity by signing on to The Climate Group’s program EP100. Using energy efficient lighting, efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), motors and heat recovery projects, Mahindra & Mahindra has doubled the energy productivity of the automotive business almost 12 years ahead of schedule. The farm equipment business is also ahead of schedule in achieving its goal and is more than half-way there.

The company was also the first Indian company to announce its internal Carbon Price of $10 per ton of carbon emitted to fund investments required to pursue the path of carbon neutrality. The price was carefully arrived at on the basis of international benchmarks and an assessment of what was required to achieve the goals set by the business on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

The company has more than 10 years of experience in creating carbon sinks. It looks forward to using this experience to deal with residual emissions in a manner that is world class and follows the best established protocols.

M&M will be working on its carbon neutrality commitment with the international non-profit organization Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), which works with leading companies to raise the bar for corporate sustainability leadership. It will continue to work with EDF and other leading partners as it implements actions towards achieving carbon neutrality.

M&M is also a signatory of the Science based targets initiative which provides companies with a clear pathway for reducing emissions in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. All these commitments are helping the company on its path to go carbon neutral.

About Mahindra

The Mahindra Group is a USD 20.7 billion federation of companies that enables people to rise through innovative mobility solutions, driving rural prosperity, enhancing urban living, nurturing new businesses and fostering communities. It enjoys a leadership position in utility vehicles, information technology, financial services and vacation ownership in India and is the world’s largest tractor company, by volume. It also enjoys a strong presence in agribusiness, aerospace, commercial vehicles, components, defense, logistics, real estate, renewable energy, speedboats and steel, amongst other businesses. Headquartered in India, Mahindra employs over 2,400,000 people across 100 countries.

Learn more about Mahindra on / Twitter and Facebook: @MahindraRise

Media contact information:

Shubhada Dharwadkar
Group Communications
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Jaguar Land Rover boss ‘scaremongering’ on no-deal Brexit, says Tory

Brexit Hard Brexiter Bernard Jenkin says worries about border delays are unfounded Bernard Jenkin is a member of the European Research group collection of hard Brexit-backing Tories. Photograph: Chris McAndrew A leading Conservative Brexiter has accused the head of Jaguar Land Rover of inventing dire consequences for his company of a no-deal Brexit, saying people… Continue reading Jaguar Land Rover boss ‘scaremongering’ on no-deal Brexit, says Tory

UPDATE 1-Go-Jek aims to raise $2 bln for Southeast Asia expansion -sources

SINGAPORE/JAKARTA (Reuters) – Indonesian ride-hailing firm Go-Jek is seeking to raise about $2 billion from existing investors, including Tencent Holdings Ltd and, to fund its expansion plans in Southeast Asia, sources familiar with the matter said on Monday. A Go-Jek driver rides a motorcycle on a street in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 15, 2017. REUTERS/Beawiharta… Continue reading UPDATE 1-Go-Jek aims to raise $2 bln for Southeast Asia expansion -sources


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China’s largest ride-hailing company is now recording in-car audio during passenger trips

Didi Chuxing, China’s largest ride-hailing company, is now recording in-car audio during passenger trips in an effort that it says will improve customer safety. The company, most recently valued at $50 billion, began trialing the new feature on several of its platforms including Express, Select, Premier, Luxe and Minibus on Saturday, which asks users for… Continue reading China’s largest ride-hailing company is now recording in-car audio during passenger trips

New Griffith on track at Silverstone Classic 2018

TVR were delighted to be selected for the Supercar lineup at the Silverstone Classic weekend of action..

The display was not just a static lineup but one that saw the new Griffith take to the track for the Supercar Parade sessions on both Friday and Saturday, where accompanied by a 1965 Griffith and a stunning TVR Typhon all attracted great interest despite their time on track being heavily restricted.

Lined up two-by-two the cars headed onto the circuit for the parade however due to the level of traffic and safety rules applied, it resulted in little of the performance available being demonstrated thereby leaving much for a future event. There is however a short clip from inside the Griffith that can be viewed via this Link to youTube video and as seen from Trackside Shame about all the high fencing but that's Silverstone.

The TVR Car Club and many owner, driver / enthusiasts were also at the event, with an exceptional display of Heritage TVRs, a few of which can be seen in the images below.

For those interested in viewing the racing coverage, which may or may not include the parade lap sessions, the Silverstone Classic ITV4 highlights programme will air on Sunday 12 August at 17:45 (directly after live coverage of the British Touring Car Championship).

Repeats will additionally be shown:
Wednesday 15 August at 20:00
Saturday 18 August at 08:30
Saturday 15 September at 15:15
Plus the programme will be available on catch-up for 30 days after each transmission.

Finally, for a longer video clip from inside the Griffith click HERE to view on youTube although be warned, even edited down it was over 6 minutes for 2 laps – such was the pace!

Panic and paranoia

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Statement on FAZ Regarding Daimler AG: No intention to increase stake

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