Automobili Pininfarina wird bei der Monterey Car Week im August vertreten sein und ab Donnerstag, dem 17. August, drei Fahrzeuge in einer Privatresidenz und anschließend bei „The Quail” präsentieren. Eine Weltpremiere ist das erste Fahrzeug der neuen Kollektion von Automobili Pininfarina, ein exquisites Design- und Technik-Meisterwerk für anspruchsvolle Kunden: Der B95. Darüber hinaus wird das PURA… Continue reading AUTOMOBILI PININFARINA STELLT BEI DER MONTEREY CAR WEEK DAS ERSTE AUTO AUS DEM KÜNFTIGEN PORTFOLIO VOR: DEN NEUEN B95

German FAZ: World War II bomb blown up in Kassel +++ Burning bus on the Autobahn006712

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AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble

As the AI industry’s market value continues to balloon, experts are warning that its meteoric rise is eerily similar to that of a different — and significant — moment in economic history: the dot com bubble of the late 1990s. The dot com bubble — and subsequent crash — was an era defined by a… Continue reading AI Is Starting to Look Like the Dot Com Bubble

Man Puzzled When His Totaled Tesla Comes Back Online in Ukraine

Jumpscare! Crash Course While it’s customary to hear about Teslas crashing, burning, or exploding, hearing about one that seems to have come back from the dead is another thing entirely. In a now-viral Twitter post, CNBC executive editor Jay Yarow wrote of his puzzlement after his Model X, which he’d crashed and totaled in the US, blinked… Continue reading Man Puzzled When His Totaled Tesla Comes Back Online in Ukraine

BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push

(Reuters) – A patriotic call by China’s bestselling automaker to band the industry together and “demolish the old legends” of the global market has gone viral, drawing both raves and a rebuke from a rival. BYD used an event this week to mark a production milestone to celebrate a bigger purpose: the emergence of China… Continue reading BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push

Private equity firm CVC Capital bags $4.45b so far for sixth Asia-focused fund

Europe-based private equity firm CVC Capital Partners has raised over $4.45 billion so far for its new Asia-focused fund, its latest regulatory disclosure showed. CVC is targeting to raise $6 billion for the fund, its sixth and largest to date for the region, people familiar with the situation told Reuters. The firm did not disclose when it will… Continue reading Private equity firm CVC Capital bags $4.45b so far for sixth Asia-focused fund

BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push

The call by BYD – Tesla’s closest rival in the global electric vehicle sales race – prompted widespread praise, and underscored how China’s automakers are riven by competition at home and chasing growth overseas. A patriotic call by China‘s bestselling automaker to band the industry together and “demolish the old legends” of the global market… Continue reading BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push

BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push

[1/3]FILE PHOTO-Security guards stand at the BYD booth at the Auto Shanghai show, in Shanghai, China April 19, 2023. REUTERS/Aly Song/file photo/File Photo Aug 11 (Reuters) – A patriotic call by China’s bestselling automaker to band the industry together and “demolish the old legends” of the global market has gone viral, drawing both raves and… Continue reading BYD calls on China automakers to unite, ‘demolish the old’ in global push


Adds $140 Million in Expected Annualized Revenue BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich., Aug. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Penske Automotive Group, Inc. (NYSE: PAG), a diversified international transportation services company and one of the world’s premier automotive and commercial truck retailers, today announced that it has acquired BMW of Wilmington and Porsche Wilmington.  Both dealerships have earned their… Continue reading PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP ACQUIRES BMW AND PORSCHE DEALERSHIPS IN WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA

Chery Automotive setzt 100+ AMRs von ForwardX in der ersten Phase seiner Superfabrik ein

CHICAGO, 11. August 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Chery Super Factory, ein hochmodernes globales Automobilwerk, hat eine Partnerschaft mit ForwardX Robotics, einem führenden Anbieter von autonomen mobilen Robotern (AMRs), geschlossen, um eine bahnbrechende Lösung für die intelligente Automobilfertigung zu implementieren. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Betrieb zu optimieren, die Effizienz zu steigern und die Automatisierung in der Montagewerkstatt… Continue reading Chery Automotive setzt 100+ AMRs von ForwardX in der ersten Phase seiner Superfabrik ein