Canada Lands Volkswagen Battery Plant With Billions in Subsidies

Volkswagen’s first North American battery plant for electric vehicles will be built in Canada, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other Canadian politicians made it clear on Friday that the country had effectively been in a bidding war with the United States. “We put up a lot of money,” Mr. Trudeau said at a news… Continue reading Canada Lands Volkswagen Battery Plant With Billions in Subsidies

Tesla’s Profit Dropped Sharply in First Quarter as It Cut Prices

Tesla’s profit fell sharply in the first three months of the year after it cut the prices of its electric vehicles, the company said on Wednesday. The carmaker, led by Elon Musk, said it had made $2.5 billion in the first quarter, a drop from $3.7 billion in the last three months of last year… Continue reading Tesla’s Profit Dropped Sharply in First Quarter as It Cut Prices

Genuine Parts Company Announces New Board Member

Darren Rebelez Named to Board of Directors ATLANTA , June 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Genuine Parts Company (NYSE: GPC) announced today that its Board of Directors appointed Darren Rebelez as a new independent director of the company. Continue Reading Darren Rebelez Named to Genuine Parts Company’s Board of Directors Mr. Rebelez is the President and Chief… Continue reading Genuine Parts Company Announces New Board Member

German FAZ: tug of war for the “Lex Amazon”006048

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German Manager Magazine: Lucid Motors: Rescue for ailing luxury electric car manufacturer with billions in support from Saudi Arabia002522

The American manufacturer of luxury electric cars Lucid Motors has announced , wanting to raise about three billion US dollars through a share issue. Almost two thirds are said to come from the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund (PIF), which already has a stake of more than 60 percent in Lucid. Lucid shares are down… Continue reading German Manager Magazine: Lucid Motors: Rescue for ailing luxury electric car manufacturer with billions in support from Saudi Arabia002522

Man Who Helped Invent Modern AI Is Now Wracked With Regret

“You could say I feel lost.” Godfather Part II Yoshua Bengio, a famed computer scientist who’s considered one of the three “godfathers” of artificial intelligence, is starting to feel a little blue about his life’s work, as AI — or at least its breathless hype — seems poised to spiral out of control. In a new interview… Continue reading Man Who Helped Invent Modern AI Is Now Wracked With Regret

Stratolaunch Welcomes Aerospace and Defense Industry Veteran Thomas Bussing as Co-Chair of the Board of Directors

MOJAVE, Calif., June 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Stratolaunch LLC today announced that Thomas Bussing, Ph.D., has been named Co-Chair of the Board of Directors. Alongside Co-Chair Jim Geisler, he will support the Stratolaunch management team on its mission to accelerate hypersonic technology. Continue Reading Thomas Bussing, Ph.D., Co-Chair of Stratolaunch’s Board of Directors. Dr. Bussing… Continue reading Stratolaunch Welcomes Aerospace and Defense Industry Veteran Thomas Bussing as Co-Chair of the Board of Directors


MIAMI, 1. Juni 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Während des italienischen Nationalfeiertages, der den Tag der Italienischen Republik feiert und vom italienischen Generalkonsulat in Miami organisiert wird, präsentierte 1000 Miglia kommende Veranstaltungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Der Abend, der im Biltmore Hotel Miami Coral Gable stattfand, war eine wichtige Gelegenheit, um die Entwicklung der Aktivitäten des Red… Continue reading 1000 MIGLIA PRÄSENTIERT DIE NÄCHSTEN VERANSTALTUNGEN IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN IN MIAMI, ANLÄSSLICH DES ITALIENISCHEN NATIONALFEIERTAGS, DER PRÄSENTATION VON WARM UP USA 2023 UND DES STARTS VON 1000 MIGLIA EXPERIENCE IN FLORIDA

‘Asgard’s Wrath 2’ is Meta’s most ambitious VR game to date

The action RPG has a 60-plus-hour campaign and an endless dungeon-crawling mode. One of the biggest announcements at today’s Meta Quest Gaming Showcase was Asgard’s Wrath 2, a sequel to the well-regarded original from 2019 that’s slated for release this winter. It’s shaping up to be Meta’s most ambitious game to date — it’s an… Continue reading ‘Asgard’s Wrath 2’ is Meta’s most ambitious VR game to date

Fold the phone: all the foldables coming in 2023

Filed under: Updated Today, a minute ago By Umar Shakir, a news writer fond of the electric vehicle lifestyle and things that plug in via USB-C. He spent over 15 years in IT support before joining The Verge. Share this story When Samsung released its first premium Fold phone, it was a technical feat: it… Continue reading Fold the phone: all the foldables coming in 2023