German Handelsblatt: “Global Automaker Rating”: According to analysis, VW and BMW are catching up on the turn to electric cars006982

Production of the ID.3 at the Volkswagen plant The group from Wolfsburg has made progress since the diesel scandal, praised the ICCT. (Photo: dpa) The international environmental research association ICCT attests that BMW and Volkswagen have made great progress in switching from combustion engines to electric motors. German automakers ranked third and fourth overall in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: “Global Automaker Rating”: According to analysis, VW and BMW are catching up on the turn to electric cars006982

German Handelsblatt: “Global Automaker Rating”: According to analysis, VW and BMW are catching up on the turn to electric cars006981

Production of the ID.3 at the Volkswagen plant The group from Wolfsburg has made progress since the diesel scandal, praised the ICCT. (Photo: dpa) The international environmental research association ICCT attests that BMW and Volkswagen have made great progress in switching from combustion engines to electric motors. German automakers ranked third and fourth overall in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: “Global Automaker Rating”: According to analysis, VW and BMW are catching up on the turn to electric cars006981

German Handelsblatt: Gigafactory from ACC: This is how Mercedes and Stellantis want to break the Chinese battery supremacy006980

Das schwarz-weiß gemusterte Hauptgebäude der neuen Batteriezellproduktion der Automotive Cells Company (ACC) überragt das Industriegebiet von Douvrin. Zur Eröffnung der Gigafabrik am Dienstag hat sich reichlich Prominenz in der kleinen Stadt im nordfranzösischen Département Pas-de-Calais versammelt. Nicht nur die Chefs der drei beteiligten Konzerne aus der Auto- und Energiebranche sind gekommen, Ola Källenius von Mercedes,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Gigafactory from ACC: This is how Mercedes and Stellantis want to break the Chinese battery supremacy006980

German Handelsblatt: Gigafactory from ACC: This is how Mercedes and Stellantis want to break the Chinese battery supremacy006979

Das schwarz-weiß gemusterte Hauptgebäude der neuen Batteriezellproduktion der Automotive Cells Company (ACC) überragt das Industriegebiet von Douvrin. Zur Eröffnung der Gigafabrik am Dienstag hat sich reichlich Prominenz in der kleinen Stadt im nordfranzösischen Département Pas-de-Calais versammelt. Nicht nur die Chefs der drei beteiligten Konzerne aus der Auto- und Energiebranche sind gekommen, Ola Källenius von Mercedes,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Gigafactory from ACC: This is how Mercedes and Stellantis want to break the Chinese battery supremacy006979

German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Major merger in Asia: Daimler Truck and Toyota merge truck business006978

Daimler-Truck-Chef Martin Daum in Tokio In der Lkw-Industrie entsteht unter dem Zwang zu klimafreundlicheren Antrieben ein neues Schwergewicht: Der weltgrößte Lkw-Bauer Daimler Truck und der japanische Toyota-Konzern kündigten am Dienstag an, ihre Nutzfahrzeug-Töchter Mitsubishi Fuso und Hino Motors zusammenzulegen. Hierzu sei eine Absichtserklärung unterzeichnet worden. Geplant sei eine Fusion unter Gleichen, deren Details noch ausgehandelt… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Commercial vehicles: Major merger in Asia: Daimler Truck and Toyota merge truck business006978

German Handelsblatt: Merger: Daimler Truck and Toyota want to merge truck business in Asia006976

A Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Loader Daimler Truck had recently felt the effects of the great competition in Asia. (Photo: Bloomberg) The commercial vehicle manufacturer Daimler Truck wants to merge large parts of its Asian business with its competitor Toyota. The Daimler truck subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus is to merge with the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Merger: Daimler Truck and Toyota want to merge truck business in Asia006976

German Handelsblatt: Merger: Daimler Truck and Toyota want to merge truck business in Asia006976

A Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Loader Daimler Truck had recently felt the effects of the great competition in Asia. (Photo: Bloomberg) The commercial vehicle manufacturer Daimler Truck wants to merge large parts of its Asian business with its competitor Toyota. The Daimler truck subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus is to merge with the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Merger: Daimler Truck and Toyota want to merge truck business in Asia006976

German Handelsblatt: Transport company: Volkswagen manager Nicole Mommsen changes to the head of DB communication006974

Nicole Mommsen The expert in corporate communications studied regional studies, political science, law and journalism. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) A high-profile automobile manager is taking over the communications of Deutsche Bahn: As the state-owned company announced in Berlin on Wednesday, Nicole Mommsen will in future be in charge of press and public relations work for the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Transport company: Volkswagen manager Nicole Mommsen changes to the head of DB communication006974

German Handelsblatt: Transport company: Volkswagen manager Nicole Mommsen changes to the head of DB communication006974

Nicole Mommsen The expert in corporate communications studied regional studies, political science, law and journalism. (Photo: Volkswagen AG) A high-profile automobile manager is taking over the communications of Deutsche Bahn: As the state-owned company announced in Berlin on Wednesday, Nicole Mommsen will in future be in charge of press and public relations work for the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Transport company: Volkswagen manager Nicole Mommsen changes to the head of DB communication006974

German Handelsblatt: Small cars: How Opel refreshes the Corsa006973

Opel Corsa Facelift Neben dem neuen Elektromotor wird es den neuen Corsa im Verlauf dieses Jahres auch als Mildhybrid geben. (Foto: Opel) Mit einem derartigen Erfolg haben seine Väter wohl kaum gerechnet. Der Opel Corsa war in den vergangenen zwei Jahren der meistverkaufte Kleinwagen Deutschlands. Jüngst hat das im spanischen Saragossa gebaute Modell sogar den ewigen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Small cars: How Opel refreshes the Corsa006973