German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Up to 15 million euros: Volkswagen raises the upper limit for board salaries006631

Volkswagen will seine Vorstände künftig besser bezahlen. Das geht aus der am Montag versendeten Einladung des Konzerns zur Hauptversammlung im Mai hervor. Demnach soll die Maximalvergütung für die Spitzenmanager deutlich angehoben werden. Gleichzeitig dürfte es schwieriger werden, die neu gezogenen Obergrenzen auch wirklich zu erreichen.So kann Vorstandschef Oliver Blume nach dem neuen Modell theoretisch bis… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Up to 15 million euros: Volkswagen raises the upper limit for board salaries006631

German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006628

Mercedes Electric Software Hub in Sindelfingen The carmaker wants to push the start-up costs below five billion euros. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) With huge investments, Germany’s car manufacturers wanted to dominate software development in cars. It is now clear that the manufacturers have failed with the approach of in-house development and are turning around. The challenge… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006628

German Handelsblatt: VW main shareholder: Porsche SE achieves stage victory in dispute with investors on diesel scandal006627

Wendelin Wiedeking in court in March 2016 According to the court, the questioning of the ex-manager did not result in any indication that they knew about the illegal defeat devices or should have known about them. (Photo: Reuters) Porsche SE has prevailed on an important point in the legal dispute with investors over damages in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: VW main shareholder: Porsche SE achieves stage victory in dispute with investors on diesel scandal006627

German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006628

Mercedes Electric Software Hub in Sindelfingen The carmaker wants to push the start-up costs below five billion euros. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) With huge investments, Germany’s car manufacturers wanted to dominate software development in cars. It is now clear that the manufacturers have failed with the approach of in-house development and are turning around. The challenge… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006628

German Handelsblatt: VW main shareholder: Porsche SE achieves stage victory in dispute with investors on diesel scandal006627

Wendelin Wiedeking in court in March 2016 According to the court, the questioning of the ex-manager did not result in any indication that they knew about the illegal defeat devices or should have known about them. (Photo: Reuters) Porsche SE has prevailed on an important point in the legal dispute with investors over damages in… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: VW main shareholder: Porsche SE achieves stage victory in dispute with investors on diesel scandal006627

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Kuwait faces partial withdrawal from Mercedes-Benz006626

Kuwait sells Mercedes shares Mercedes headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim: The ownership structure is changing somewhat as a result of the partial withdrawal of the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund. (Photo: dpa) After almost five decades, the Kuwaiti state fund is partially withdrawing from the Stuttgart car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz. The Kuwait Investment Authority threw 20 million Mercedes-Benz shares… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Kuwait faces partial withdrawal from Mercedes-Benz006626

German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006623

Mercedes Electric Software Hub in Sindelfingen The carmaker wants to push the start-up costs below five billion euros. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) With huge investments, Germany’s car manufacturers wanted to dominate software development in cars. It is now clear that the manufacturers have failed with the approach of in-house development and are turning around. The challenge… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006623

German Handelsblatt: Vintage cars: The splendor of the economic miracle – that was the Mercedes-Benz 180006624

The signs were pointing to change 70 years ago in the German economic boom: Hollywood supplanted homeland films in the cinemas, rockabilly and pettycoat reached the dance halls, the number of cars exceeded the million mark, and the new Mercedes models 180 (W 120) and 190 (W 121) adapted the American pontoon body so successfully… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Vintage cars: The splendor of the economic miracle – that was the Mercedes-Benz 180006624

German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006623

Mercedes Electric Software Hub in Sindelfingen The carmaker wants to push the start-up costs below five billion euros. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) With huge investments, Germany’s car manufacturers wanted to dominate software development in cars. It is now clear that the manufacturers have failed with the approach of in-house development and are turning around. The challenge… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car operating systems: VW and Mercedes are changing their software – too much effort, too little know-how, too high costs006623

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Kuwait faces partial withdrawal from Mercedes-Benz006622

Kuwait sells Mercedes shares Mercedes headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim: The ownership structure is changing somewhat as a result of the partial withdrawal of the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund. (Photo: dpa) After almost five decades, the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund is partially withdrawing from the Stuttgart carmaker Mercedes-Benz. The Kuwait Investment Authority puts 20 million Mercedes-Benz shares… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Kuwait faces partial withdrawal from Mercedes-Benz006622