German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006491

Die Ankündigung des VW-Konzerns ab 2025 große Teile des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs selbst zu bauen, sorgt für Spannungen in der Branche. Betroffen sind die großen deutschen Autozulieferer, die nun um Aufträge fürchten. Die Betriebsräte von Bosch, ZF, Mahle und Vitesco schlagen bereits Alarm. Ende März wollen sich die Arbeitnehmervertreter der großen Zulieferer nach Informationen des Handelsblatts… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006491

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: 180 billion euros in five years: Volkswagen accelerates investments006490

Deutschlands größter Autokonzern Volkswagen macht Tempo beim Ausbau der Elektromobilität. Bis 2027 will der Konzern 180 Milliarden Euro investieren, zwei Drittel davon in die Elektrifizierung und Digitalisierung. In VWs letztem Fünfjahresplan flossen 56 Prozent in die beiden Bereiche. Auch die Gesamtinvestitionen waren mit 159 Milliarden Euro niedriger.„2023 wird ein entscheidendes Jahr, um strategische Ziele umzusetzen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: 180 billion euros in five years: Volkswagen accelerates investments006490

German Handelsblatt: Board remuneration: Record salary after the departure: Ex-VW boss Diess earns 11.6 million euros006489

Former VW boss Herbert Diess The former CEO will be paid a record salary for 2022. (Photo: dpa) Herbert Diess has officially been rid of his position as VW boss since September 1st – the 64-year-old top manager still received a record salary last year. This shows Volkswagen’s remuneration report, which the group published on… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Board remuneration: Record salary after the departure: Ex-VW boss Diess earns 11.6 million euros006489

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes boss Ola Källenius earns over six million euros006486

Mercedes boss Ola Källenius The Swede made Mercedes highly profitable in just a few years. (Photo: IMAGO/Mike Schmidt) Mercedes boss Ola Källenius again earned millions in 2022 because of the carmaker’s strong numbers – but a little less than the year before. His total compensation last year was around 6.11 million euros, according to the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes boss Ola Källenius earns over six million euros006486

German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006485

Karin Radstrom The manager at Daimler Truck is considered a promising candidate for the top of the company. Some professionals are still amazed. Important investments at Daimler Truck always had to be approved by top management. Sophisticated Powerpoint presentations, short thematic presentations and expert recommendations were customary. Only then did the board raise or lower… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006485

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes boss Ola Källenius earns over six million euros006486

Mercedes boss Ola Källenius The Swede made Mercedes highly profitable in just a few years. (Photo: IMAGO/Mike Schmidt) Mercedes boss Ola Källenius again earned millions in 2022 because of the carmaker’s strong numbers – but a little less than the year before. His total compensation last year was around 6.11 million euros, according to the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes boss Ola Källenius earns over six million euros006486

German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006485

Karin Radstrom The manager at Daimler Truck is considered a promising candidate for the top of the company. Some professionals are still amazed. Important investments at Daimler Truck always had to be approved by top management. Sophisticated Powerpoint presentations, short thematic presentations and expert recommendations were customary. Only then did the board raise or lower… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006485

German Handelsblatt: Airstream: Porsche Design Studio designs luxury caravan006484

The future of the caravan Airstream shows a concept study together with Porsche. It can be ruled out with great certainty that Porsche will also build caravans in the future. Even if a chic Porsche trailer was presented on the hook of a Porsche Macan at the South-by-Southwest Festival (SXSW) in Austin/Texas. The traditional US… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Airstream: Porsche Design Studio designs luxury caravan006484

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: 180 billion euros in five years: Volkswagen expands investments006480

Die Premiummarken um Audi und Porsche und die Leasingsparte VW Financial Services haben dem Volkswagen-Konzern trotz des fortgesetzten Chipmangels ein vergleichsweise gutes Jahresergebnis für 2022 gesichert. Wie der Autohersteller am Dienstagmorgen mitteilte, können die ertragsstarken Konzerntöchter einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag auf das Konto der Wolfsburger Zentrale überweisen.Zugleich will der VW-Konzern seine Investitionen für neue Elektromodelle und… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: 180 billion euros in five years: Volkswagen expands investments006480

German Handelsblatt: Board remuneration: Record salary after the departure: Ex-VW boss Diess earns 11.6 million euros006479

Former VW boss Herbert Diess The former CEO will be paid a record salary for 2022. (Photo: dpa) Herbert Diess has officially been rid of his position as VW boss since September 1st – the 64-year-old top manager still received a record salary last year. This shows Volkswagen’s remuneration report, which the group published on… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Board remuneration: Record salary after the departure: Ex-VW boss Diess earns 11.6 million euros006479