Tesla Bot Takes Tech Demos to Their Logical Conclusion

The robot was not at all real. Or it was very real, depending on whether you believe realness is closely related to physiology or whether you think this whole reality is a simulation. Which is to say, the robot was actually a human cosplaying as a humanoid robot. The robot shuffled on stage during Tesla’s… Continue reading Tesla Bot Takes Tech Demos to Their Logical Conclusion

The US Is Getting Covid Booster Shots. The World Is Furious

The Biden administration’s decision to offer Covid boosters to healthy fully vaccinated Americans has provoked an unusually broad and sharp reaction among researchers and policymakers. They view it as subverting regular decisionmaking, relying on data that seems more dramatic than it may be, and undermining commitments the US made to other countries to prop up… Continue reading The US Is Getting Covid Booster Shots. The World Is Furious

Google Docs Scams Still Pose a Threat

In May 2017, a phishing attack now known as “the Google Docs worm” spread across the internet. It used special web applications to impersonate Google Docs and request deep access to the emails and contact lists in Gmail accounts. The scam was so effective because the requests appeared to come from people the target knew.… Continue reading Google Docs Scams Still Pose a Threat

How an Obscure Green Bay Packers Site Conquered Facebook

The Green Bay Packers play in one of the tiniest media markets in the NFL, with a small but famously loyal fan base. It’s a key part of their charm. It’s also why it was so bewildering to discover that the single most-viewed URL on Facebook over the past three months, with 87.2 million views,… Continue reading How an Obscure Green Bay Packers Site Conquered Facebook

China Aims Its Propaganda Firehose at the BBC

Chinese trolls and fake news websites have been attacking the BBC in a bid to undermine its credibility, new research published today claims. The online influence operation, which is being linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is seemingly a response to the BBC’s reporting on human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims and state-backed misinformation… Continue reading China Aims Its Propaganda Firehose at the BBC

The T-Mobile Breach Is Much Worse Than It Had to Be

In an email overnight, T-Mobile shared details about the data breach it confirmed Monday afternoon. They’re not great. Assorted data from more than 48 million people was compromised, and while that’s less than the 100 million that the hacker had initially advertised, the vast majority of those affected turn out not to be current T-Mobile… Continue reading The T-Mobile Breach Is Much Worse Than It Had to Be

New Regulation Could Cause a Split in the Crypto Community

Big Crypto has arrived. On August 10, following days of wrangling and furious tweeting, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, advocates, and entrepreneurs watched in horror as the US Senate approved a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, complete with an article that many fear might jeopardize the whole American crypto sector beyond repair. The controversial rule would require that “brokers”… Continue reading New Regulation Could Cause a Split in the Crypto Community

The T-Mobile Data Breach Is One You Can’t Ignore

Not all data breaches are created equal. None of them are good, but they do come in varying degrees of bad. And given how regularly they happen, it’s understandable that you may have become inured to the news. Still, a T-Mobile breach that hackers claim involved the data of 100 million people deserves your attention,… Continue reading The T-Mobile Data Breach Is One You Can’t Ignore

A Bug in the Android Google App Put Privacy at Risk

You hopefully already know that you should use a privacy browser. But privacy search engines have become increasingly viable as well for anyone looking to escape Google’s clutches. Leading that charge is DuckDuckGo, which this week introduced new tools that will stop help prevent tracking in both emails and other apps on Android phones. Some… Continue reading A Bug in the Android Google App Put Privacy at Risk

Let Users Own the Tech Companies They Help Build

A tech-eternity ago, in 2016 and 2017, one of us helped organize a shareholder campaign at Twitter, asking the platform to explore strategies for making its users into co-owners of the company. Twitter was then entertaining acquisition offers from the likes of Disney and Salesforce. To those of us in the campaign, it seemed wrong… Continue reading Let Users Own the Tech Companies They Help Build