Amazon Warehouses Will Now Accept Essential Supplies Only

In normal times, Amazon will happily deliver almost any item to your doorstep, no matter how frivolous. These are not normal times. Millions of Americans are now largely confined to their homes as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and many of them have turned to Amazon for household staples, groceries, and medical supplies in… Continue reading Amazon Warehouses Will Now Accept Essential Supplies Only

The Hushed Spectacle of Soccer Matches In Empty Stadiums

Professional sports around the world ground to a halt last week as the coronavirus pandemic prompted one country after another to ban large public gatherings. Many sports leagues didn’t wait for official guidance, preemptively suspending or postponing seasons—in some cases after players or coaches tested positive for the virus. But before pulling the plug, some… Continue reading The Hushed Spectacle of Soccer Matches In Empty Stadiums

Microsoft and GitHub Strengthen Their Hold on Open Source 

Microsoft will soon control more of the open source software development ecosystem. GitHub, which Microsoft bought in 2018, said Monday that it will acquire NPM, which offers a crucial service for JavaScript developers. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. GitHub is the most popular place to host open source software on the web and… Continue reading Microsoft and GitHub Strengthen Their Hold on Open Source 

FDA Approves the First Commercial Coronavirus Tests in the US

After a weeks-long shortage of COVID-19 tests and limits on screening that have hampered officials’ ability to respond to the crisis, the first commercial tests for the disease have received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. The new tests could dramatically increase the number of people who can be screened. Both tests received… Continue reading FDA Approves the First Commercial Coronavirus Tests in the US

Amid Coronavirus Fears, Startups Rethink the Virtual Conference

The first conference to go was Mobile World Congress. The annual gathering of electronics makers and phone geeks announced the cancellation just weeks before it was set to begin, in late February, for the sake of safety. Global concern over the new coronavirus was rising, and plus, exhibitors were dropping left and right. Next came… Continue reading Amid Coronavirus Fears, Startups Rethink the Virtual Conference

Data Centers Aren’t Devouring the Planet’s Electricity—Yet

Demand for data centers has exploded over the past decade to keep pace with soaring use of workplace software, social media, videos, and mobile apps. But when it comes to gauging the impact that these cathedrals of computing are having on planet earth, there is some surprising good news. A new analysis estimates that data… Continue reading Data Centers Aren’t Devouring the Planet’s Electricity—Yet

Glowing Amphibians, Extreme Weather Satellites, and More News

Frogs are reflecting and satellites are detecting, but first: a cartoon about self-driving without a license. Here’s the news you need to know, in two minutes or less. Want to receive this two-minute roundup as an email every weekday? Sign up here! Today’s News Amphibians glow. Humans just couldn’t see it—until now New research in… Continue reading Glowing Amphibians, Extreme Weather Satellites, and More News

Recycled Nuclear Waste Will Power a New Reactor

DeWitte says the Aurora demonstration reactor will require several thousand pounds of Haleu fuel. It’s a tall order considering that until a few months ago, the fuel was effectively nonexistent in the US. INL estimates that it has enough spent nuclear fuel on site to produce up to 10 metric tons of Haleu. After a… Continue reading Recycled Nuclear Waste Will Power a New Reactor

US Coronavirus Prep, a Fatal Tesla Crash Ruling, and More News

The US is making coronavirus plans and Tesla has new demands, but first: a cartoon about tricky beauty tutorials. Here’s the news you need to know, in two minutes or less. Want to receive this two-minute roundup as an email every weekday? Sign up here! Today’s News Could the US contain a coronavirus outbreak? On… Continue reading US Coronavirus Prep, a Fatal Tesla Crash Ruling, and More News

A Safety Board Faults Tesla and Regulators in a Fatal 2018 Crash

The NTSB can’t change federal or local policy, but it can make recommendations. It had plenty of those. The board reiterated two recommendations it issued during a 2017 investigation of an Autopilot-related death—to which Tesla has not formally responded. It asked that Tesla limit drivers to using Autopilot in road and weather situations where it… Continue reading A Safety Board Faults Tesla and Regulators in a Fatal 2018 Crash