Wall Street analysts question whether Musk has ‘funding secured’ and ‘investor support’ but say they must take CEO seriously

In the original Tweet that started it all, Musk stated the takeout price at $420 and that funding was already secured. Tweet Link “Disclosing news of this nature via twitter is unprecedented and, according to a former [Securities and Exchange Commission] chairman, may constitute fraud if Tesla does not already have the financing lined up,”… Continue reading Wall Street analysts question whether Musk has ‘funding
secured’ and ‘investor support’ but say they must take CEO

Tesla shares surge 10% after Elon Musk shocks market with tweet about going private

But the plan Musk laid out did not mention anything about that funding, which would total about $71 billion if Musk plans to take Tesla private at $420 a share. Its current market value is $64 billion. A deal of that size would dwarf the previous largest leveraged buyout, TXU, which was valued at $32.11… Continue reading Tesla shares surge 10% after Elon Musk shocks market with
tweet about going private