German Handelsblatt: Comment: At Volkswagen not only Herbert Diess failed – also the supervisory board004821

VW boss Herbert Diess

The replacement of Herbert Diess as VW boss was delayed for a long time by the supervisory board.

(Photo: Reuters)

Despite the abrupt expulsion: Herbert Diess was exactly the right CEO for Volkswagen at the beginning. After taking office in April 2018, the VW boss uncompromisingly switched the automaker to the production of electric vehicles, thus freeing Volkswagen from the heavy burden of the diesel affair. The company’s image was ruined after millions of fraud with exhaust gas values. Now the automaker has a future again.
Diess was an innovator, a visionary. Nevertheless, his replacement was long overdue. In the four years of his tenure, the CEO was only able to set meaningful impulses in the first two years, in the last two years his work as CEO was largely ineffective.

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