German Handelsblatt: Susanne Klatten in an interview: “Great, but not the only great” – The BMW heiress talks about her start-up strategy004896

Suzanne Klatten

With her incubator UnternehmerTUM, Susanne Klatten is successful in the start-up scene in Munich.

Susanne Klatten wants to expand the successful model of the Munich start-up hub, which she helped set up, to the whole of Europe – because only together can Europe survive in the tech competition with the USA and China.
Only seven percent of Germans wanted to start a business last year. In order to remain technologically independent in a newly organized world, it must be made easier for founders to network. Klatten sees your incubator UnternehmerTUM as a role model.
Dozens of successful companies have emerged from UnternehmerTUM. You can read here how Susanne Klatten helps young founders to find their way and how she wants to gain a foothold at European level.

The air taxi climbs up like a helicopter, flies forward like a jet and currently makes the noise of a giant industrial vacuum cleaner when taking off and landing. In Villacarillo, Andalusia, the Munich-based aircraft developer Lilium showed this week how he imagines future mobility.

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