German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Cyber ​​attack on Continental – business not affected 005029


An investigation into the incident with the support of external experts is still ongoing.

(Photo: dpa)

According to its own statements, the automotive supplier and tire manufacturer Continental has been the victim of a cyber attack – but the company reports no impairment of business.
The IT department noticed at the beginning of August that cybercriminals had partially infiltrated the Conti systems, a company spokesman said on Wednesday in Hanover. However, Continental continued to retain control of the systems, and the attackers did not encrypt data or demand a ransom.
Business activities were never affected. According to the current state of knowledge, third-party IT systems are also not affected, according to Hanover.
According to Conti, an investigation into the incident with the support of external experts is still ongoing. The responsible authorities, including the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), have been informed.

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