Sales of electrified vehicles grow 11% in the month of August

Electrified vehicles with 4,682 sales account for 7.5% of sales in the eighth month.

In the accumulated figure for the year, electrified vehicles account for 8% of the total market, with 51,804 units.

Registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas vehicles reach 21,431 registrations

Madrid, September 1, 2022.- Sales of electrified vehicles (electric and plug-in hybrids, including passenger cars, quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles and buses) accumulated a total of 4,682 units, which represents a growth of 11.2% compared to the same as the previous year and representing 7.5% of the total market. In the first eight months, sales increased by 28.4% and 51,804 sales of these vehicles were accumulated,

For their part, the registrations of alternative vehicles (electrified, hybrid and gas), increased their sales in August by 7% compared to the same month of the previous year, up to 21,431 units delivered. In the accumulated of the year, sales of these vehicles maintain their growth, with an increase of 9.6% to 216,481 units.

In the eighth month, sales of alternative vehicles consolidate their position as the second purchase option. With a market share of 34.23%, it is only surpassed by sales to gasoline models, with 36.3% of the total volume, and is once again above diesel sales (29 .47%).


Sales of electric vehicles increased by 25.7% in August, reaching 1,901 units registered in this month. It represents 3.04% of the market share in the month. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles totaled 21,276 units, 47.2% more than in the same period of the previous year. The accumulated share of the year is 3.39%


Sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles grew by 3.1% during August, reaching 2,781 units registered in this month. It represents 4.44% of the market share in August. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles totaled 30,528 units, 17.8% more than in the same period of the previous year. The accumulated quota for the year is 4.86%.


Sales of gas vehicles fell by 45.8% in August, reaching 1,021 units registered this month. It represents 1.63% of the market share in August. In the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles accumulated 10,997 units, 8.8% less than in the same period of the previous year. The fee for the year accumulated is 1.75%.


Sales of non-plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by 12.8% during August, reaching 15,728 units registered in this month. It represents 25.12% of the market share in August. In the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles accumulated 153,670 units, 6% more than in the same period of the previous year. The quota for the year accumulated is 24.46%.


Registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas PASSENGER cars increased their sales in August by 5.9% compared to the same month of the previous year, to 20,604 units delivered. In the accumulated figure for the year, deliveries of this type of car maintained their growth, with an increase of 10.6%, to 208,715 units.

In the month of August, electrified passenger cars maintain a positive rate, achieving a total of 4,174 units. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) increased by 7.7% to 1,401 units in the month, as did plug-in hybrids (PHEV) with registration growth of 3% to 2,773 units. In the eighth month, electrified passenger cars account for 8.04% of the total passenger car market.

Sales of electrified vehicles show a good rate of evolution, which for the year accumulated already account for 9% in passenger cars, 3 percentage points more than the previous year. In any case, this last month of August, despite the positive figure, continues to reflect a slow introduction of the electrified vehicle in the national market. At this rate, the national market, with 48,008 units sold until the month of August, will be far from the target of 120,000 electrified passenger cars set for this year and necessary to meet the emission reduction requirements set by Europe.


José López-Tafall, general director of ANFAC, pointed out that “despite the positive and growing evolution shown by the market for electrified vehicles, it still remains at a fairly slow pace in our country. The national market continues to be below 10% of the total market, which shows the need to accelerate the rate of entry of this type of vehicle if the new emission reduction requirements set by Europe and supported by Spain are to be met. Until the eighth month, not even half of the necessary market objective set for this year is achieved. From ANFAC we emphasize the urgency of creating a framework that makes electrification an attractive option, safe to use and accessible to the user. For this reason, from the association we defend a series of urgent measures, which accelerate the development of recharging infrastructures, streamline the procedures for the management of the Moves III aid for the installation of recharging points and shorten the periods in which the clients receive grants. Along with this, carry out a fiscal incentive and that this is perceived positively by the citizen and the companies to choose to renew their vehicles for electrified ones”.

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