New Issues for Tesla: Sign Size and Autopilot Limits (Update 2022.24.6)

Tesla is struggling with new problems and is regulating its autopilot more closely.

Things have been getting tighter for the e-car pioneer Tesla lately. At home, the misleading advertising and the terminology in trouble so a call back might be pending. The 2022.24.6 update may also be against this background. This resulted in new features such as driving profiles that can be taken with you via the cloud, but also that the radar sensor in Model 3 was deactivated, it reports Teslamag.

Above all, Tesla wants to rely on its camera and therefore also uses it no expensive lidar sensors. With the omission of radars one comes closer to “vision only” (only camera). This development should soon reach all Teslas. Among other effects, the omission of the radar means that the car will only drive up to 140 kilometers per hour when the autopilot is activated. So far, this has been possible at speeds of up to 150 km/h. In addition, the distance to the front end can no longer be set to the lowest level. However, according to Tesla, the changes should only be temporary.

In addition, there were problems with stop signs, if they have different sizes. The camera probably thinks larger signs are closer than smaller ones. Because the traffic signs are not always standardized and that confuses the Tesla assistance system. So when a bigger sign comes up, Teslas tend to slow down faster and harder. However, Elon Musk, the head of Tesla, explained that the camera system does not react to the size of the sign.

But some Tesla drivers reported similar incidents with the road signs and their location. However, the latest update seems to have gotten better. (source)

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