German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: Ex-Porsche boss Wiedeking becomes a witness in the proceedings against the VW parent company005320

Wendelin Wiedeking in March 2016

In the trial against the VW umbrella company Porsche SE (PSE) in the course of the diesel scandal, the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court wants to hear the former Porsche board members Wendelin Wiedeking and Holger Haerter as witnesses. This was announced by the civil senate in Stuttgart on Wednesday. The hearing is scheduled for December 7th.
Wiedeking used to be the CEO of Porsche, and Härter was the chief financial officer. Since July 2021, there have already been several oral hearings in the process.
The lawsuit is about claims for damages by Porsche shareholders. They accuse the major shareholder of Volkswagen of having informed too late about the emissions scandal. Porsche SE had rejected all allegations.
The main issue to be clarified in the proceedings is whether and under what circumstances PSE, as the parent company of VW, was independently obliged to publish mandatory stock market disclosures about price-sensitive events at Volkswagen. Although PSE is the main shareholder of VW, it does not have any operational business itself.

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