Volkswagen is presenting its GEN.TRAVEL design study at the Chantilly Arts & Elegance trade fair near Paris.

In the case of the GEN.TRAVEL study, the name already resonates what the purpose of the vehicle, which should have Level 5, is: long-distance travel.

The electric car is a prototype and Level 5 probably indicates that it is a prototype of the future. Because level 5 is currently not even foreseeable. Some industry stakeholders such as VW researchers assume that level 5 cannot be reached at all. Nevertheless, VW calls the outlook realistic and wants to implement it in the coming decade. Then the car should platoon drive in order to better master long-distance journeys.

The vehicle has a modular structure on the inside and wants to present itself as a mobility-as-a-service alternative to flying over short distances. The MPV (Multi Purpose Vehicle) is a result of customer surveys. They can lean back while driving, devote themselves to a task such as working or sleep. The interior can be adjusted as needed and the model can carry up to four people. The conference setup features armchairs around a central table. If you want to sleep, the seats are converted into beds. The lighting conditions are adjusted accordingly. Augmented Reality (AR) provides entertainment.

VW ensures a smooth ride with the active chassis system eABC (Electric Active Body Control), which anticipates cornering and braking and adjusts the driving style for a comfortable ride.

VW GEN.TRAVEL Innenraum Liegesitze

VW GEN.TRAVEL interior reclining seats Source: VW

VW GEN.TRAVEL Konferenz-Setup

VW GEN.TRAVEL conference setup Source: VW

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