Test tracks for autonomous driving

Austria can do more. A look into the engine compartment of the Austrian automotive industry shows: With an enormous scope of research, numerous networked institutions, innovative companies and diverse opportunities, Austria is one of the most important trendsetters on the way to new mobility. As a traditional supplier of highly qualified technologies and developments for the automotive sector, Austria has long been prepared for the upheaval in the industry: Many of the answers to the key questions of the mobile future come from Austrian players.

Automated vehicles being tested

So that we can one day be able to relax on the streets in automated vehicles, they have to be tested under realistic conditions. After all, this is the only way to ensure maximum road safety for daily use on public roads. With two internationally popular test tracks, Austria offers automotive companies and manufacturers of the relevant technologies ideal conditions. With ALP.Lab, for example, a test region for autonomous driving is available that is unique in Europe due to its alpine driving environment. A second state-of-the-art test center for automated and connected driving is DigiTrans. The company’s focus is primarily on automated and autonomous vehicles and driving functions as well as driverless mobility and transport systems in the area of ​​municipal services, logistics and heavy traffic.

Innovation, quality and support programs

Austria has long since become one of the most important players on the way to future mobility. With a research rate of 3.26 percent in the current year, Austria occupies a top position internationally and is considered a “strong innovator”. The research premium of 14 percent is often decisive for both international corporations and start-ups when choosing a location. Numerous research institutions from the Vienna University of Technology to the Softwarepark Hagenberg offer the necessary ecosystem for companies that want to help shape the mobility of tomorrow. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is one of the first points of contact for innovative companies in the field of autonomous driving with its funding program “Mobility of the Future” and the focus on “Automated Mobility”.

First point of contact ABA

Learn more. The Austrian Business Agency supports companies free of charge and tailored to all questions about the location, settlement and the search for skilled workers.

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Austrian Business Agency (ABA)

Telephone: +43 1 588 58-0, e-mail: office@aba.gv.at


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