German Handelsblatt: Energy crisis: Audi boss Duesmann is open to car-free days and speed limit005471

Audi boss Markus Duesmann

In the current situation, a speed limit could be a helpful symbol.

(Photo: IMAGO/PanoramiC)

Audi boss Markus Duesmann has shown himself open to measures such as car-free days and speed limits in the current crisis. “In order to better tune us in Germany to the situation and the need to save, there could be car-free days again, like in the 1970s,” he told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” on Wednesday.
Should there be car-free days, Duesmann would also use them privately, he said: “If it’s a Sunday, I’ll ride my racing bike on the closed highway.”
A speed limit can also be a helpful symbol. “We have to rethink, realize that our lives are changing.” Money “as the only regulator” is not enough for the current extraordinary situation.

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