German Handelsblatt: Traffic policy: speed limit and driving bans: CDU traffic politician attacks Audi boss005519

federal highway

Environmental groups have been calling for the introduction of a general speed limit for a long time.

(Photo: AP)

In politics, the discussion about a general speed limit on motorways has flared up again. The reason is an advance by Audi boss Markus Duesmann. In view of the energy crisis, the manager had said: “We have to rethink, realize that our lives are changing.” A speed limit could be a helpful symbol, but car-free days are even more effective, Duesmann recently explained in the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.
The fact that a car manager, of all people, is demanding that the car be left at home and is also in favor of a speed limit is well received by the SPD and the Greens. There it has always been argued that both measures not only serve road safety, but also climate protection. In the Union, one is little impressed by the mind games of the Audi boss.

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