ACI: October in red for used cars but not for mini-cultivations, the drop in radiation makes the fleet grow even more

ACI: October in red for used cars but not for mini-cultivations, the drop in radiation makes the fleet grow even more


Yet another budget in the red in October for the second-hand car market, which nevertheless shows interesting signs of recovery at least for minivoltures. The transfer of ownership of the cars net of mini-revolutions (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer) closed the monthly budget down by 5.5% compared to October 2021. On the contrary, the mini-revolutions have finally filed , after more than a year of contractions, a positive monthly variation of 13%.

Despite the increase recorded in October from the first registrations, the sales of used cars are once again more than double compared to the new registrations: for every 100 new cars in the month there was the sale of 205 second-hand units both in the month of October is in the first ten months of the year.

Traditional fuel systems (petrol and diesel) always prevail in the sale of used cars, while the market share of second-hand hybrid petrol cars stands at 3.4%. In mini-passes, the primacy of diesel cars is confirmed (51.8% share in October 2022, albeit down compared to October 2021, when it was 55.5%), with an incidence of petrol hybrids reaching 5, 4%.

The transfer of ownership of motorcycles resumed in October, which, net of mini-revolutions, recorded an increase of 4.7% compared to the same month of 2021.

In the first ten months of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, net transfers of ownership showed negative changes of 11% for cars, 5.8% for motorcycles and 8.9% for all vehicles.

The data are reported in the latest monthly bulletin “Auto-Trend”, the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club of Italy on the PRA data, available on the website

Even in October, the growth of the Italian fleet is not limited. Once again the radiations of cars were in deep red, which recorded a monthly decrease of 22.6%, highlighting a unit replacement rate of 0.73 in October (73 of every 100 new cars were canceled) and 0.81 in the first ten months of 2022. Radiation from motorcycles was also negative, with a decrease of 1.9% in October compared to the same month in 2021.

In the first ten months of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, radiation overall decreased by 29.7% for cars, 3.1% for motorcycles and 27.2% for all vehicles.

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