German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Cyber ​​attack on Continental: Ransomware group apparently captured 40 terabytes of data005543


After a cyber attack on the auto supplier, hackers captured significant amounts of data from the Dax group.

(Photo: imago images/imagebroker)

The German automotive supplier Continental has been the victim of a cyber attack. According to Handelsblatt information, the hackers tapped data from the Dax group. The company confirmed this on request.
Continental has launched an investigation into the incident “with the support of external cybersecurity experts,” a spokesman said. It is happening “with the highest priority”, but is still ongoing.
The ransomware group “Lockbit 3.0” had previously published an alleged chat log between the cyber blackmailers and Continental negotiators on its website on the dark web. This shows that a considerable amount of data fell into the hands of criminals as a result of a cyber attack on Continental at the end of August.
According to Continental, it discovered the attack at the time and “then averted it,” according to a press release. The group then announced that the attackers did not encrypt any data on the group’s own servers and that no ransom demands had been made. The chats now published on the Darknet speak for a different course.

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