German Handelsblatt: Labor market: BMW, Volkswagen, BASF: This is how German companies advertise for US specialists005551

German companies in the USA

It is becoming increasingly difficult for many companies to find qualified employees.

(Photo: AP Photo, Reuters, BMW, BASF [M])

The Woodruff High School band plays at the opening of the new BMW training center. Governor Henry McMaster applauds the young musicians in their purple uniforms. “It’s great that you’re all here,” he exclaims. Some students will soon start at BMW themselves – and work on the future of mobility, as the company promises.
At the beginning of October, BMW opened a new training center at the Group’s largest plant in South Carolina. The new building was presented to the public at a ceremony. It is currently the whole American pride of BMW: 20 million dollars, 68,000 square meters.
In the new training center near Spartanburg, BMW employees receive professional and technical training. “BMW is once again demonstrating its relentless commitment to our state’s greatest asset: our workforce,” said McMaster.
Skills shortage in many sectors

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