German Handelsblatt: Analyst assessment: Deutsche Bank starts coverage of Porsche AG: How much upside potential it sees005558

Porsche and bull stature in front of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange

The bull symbolizes rising prices on the stock exchange – as is currently the case with the Porsche AG share.

(Photo: AP)

The IPO of the sports car manufacturer Porsche has been a success story so far. Since the first day of trading at the end of September this year, the share has risen by more than 20 percent to more than 100 euros. On Tuesday things continue to improve.
The Porsche share rose by more than one percent to a record high of 101.60 euros. An analysis by Deutsche Bank, which has included the share in its analyst coverage, also contributes to the good mood.
“While Porsche has shown a strong performance since the IPO, we still believe that there is more upside potential,” write Tim Rokossa, Christoph Laskawi, Nicolai Kempf and Nikita Lai in their study published on Tuesday. They recommend the title for purchase.

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