ACI: the road accident map


The most dangerous roads, the most affected categories

On Italian roads 73 accidents out of 100 in built-up areas, 5 on the motorway and 22 on extra-urban roads. On the main road network 25 accidents out of 100 in built-up areas, 24 on the motorway and 51 on extra-urban roads.

Compared to 2019, both accidents and deaths decrease overall in 2021 (5,119 fewer accidents, 179 deaths): accidents on the motorway -15.9%, deaths -20.6%, on extra-urban roads, accidents -10 , 1% deaths -10.5%; in built-up areas, accidents -19.5% and deaths -18.7%.

These are the essential data that emerge from “Localization of road accidents 2021”, the study, carried out by ACI, which analyzes the 31,407 accidents (1,002 fatalities), with 1,078 deaths (37.5% of the total) and 47,740 injuries, occurred on approximately 53,000 kilometers of roads of the main road network of the Belpaese. The average mortality rate on this network is 3.4 deaths per 100 accidents.

On the motorway, cars accounted for 71.5% of the vehicles involved in the accident (compared to 73.8% in 2019), industrial vehicles – trucks (including light trucks), articulated lorries or trucks – are 22.9% (20 , 4% in 2019) and motorcycles 5.3% (stable value compared to 2019).

Movements and departures on weekends have a particular impact: June, July and August are the months with the greatest accidents (each represents approximately 10.5% of the total). Friday is the day with the most accidents (15.2%). From 18 to 20 the most critical hours. The death rate, however, was higher in January (4.2 deaths per 100 accidents), followed by June (4.0).

Compared to 2019, accidents on the primary network decreased by 14% (Italy average -11.8%), deaths fell by 14.2% (Italy average -9.4%). Urban motorways are confirmed as those with the highest accident density due to the high traffic flows and the plurality of different vehicles.

The urban penetration of the A24 (10 accidents / km), the Northern Milan bypass in the Monza and Brianza section (8.8 accidents / km) and the Capodichino A1 branch in the Province of Naples (8.1 accidents / km), are in fact, the roads on which the most accidents occur, while for the motorway network the national average is 1.03 accidents / km.

For extra-urban roads, where the national average is 0.5 accidents / km, the sad record belongs to: Statale 719 Prato-Pistoia in the Province of Florence (8 accidents / km), Statale 36 of Lake Como and Spluga in the stretch in the province of Milan (6.9 accidents / km) and State Highway 671 Bergamo Interurban Axis (6 accidents / km).


Vulnerable users also account for a very high share of deaths on extra-urban roads, which is still increasing: 39% are cyclists, “dueruotista” or pedestrians. In 25% of cases a motorcyclist died (270), in 10% a pedestrian (114) and in 3.5% a cyclist (38). Compared to 2019, the deaths on motorized two-wheelers increase (they were 257), while the deceased cyclists (they were 53).


The death rate of two wheels is much higher than that of four wheels: 4.1 deaths per 100 motor vehicles involved in the accident, and 2.5 for bicycles compared to 1.2 for cars. At the top of the most dangerous sections for two wheels, with fatal accidents, the Grande Raccordo Anulare in Rome, the SS 601 Ostia-Anzio in the municipality of Rome, the SS 007 in the municipality of Terracina, the SS 016 Adriatica in the municipality of Bari, the SS 018 Tirrena-Inferiore in the municipality of Vietri sul mare, while sections with a high density of accidents are confirmed along the SS 001 Aurelia in the province of Savona, the SS 002 Cassia and the SS 006 Casilina in the province of Rome, the SS 0016 Adriatica in province of Rimini.

Two fatal accidents for cyclists on the SS 017 Dell’Appennino Appulo Abruzzese in the municipality of Lucera in the province of Foggia, while for the density of accidents there are sections along the SS 001 Aurelia in the province of Lucca and Savona, the SS 011 Padana Superiore in the province of Padua and Venice, the SS 013 Pontebbana in the province of Treviso, the SS 016 Adriatica in the province of Ascoli Piceno, the SS 022 of Val Macra in the province of Cuneo, the SS 248 Schiavonesca Marosticana in the province of Vicenza.

PEDESTRIANS In 2021 there was more than one fatal investment on the SS 016 Adriatica in the municipality of Fano in the province of Pesaro Urbino and on the SS 439 Sarzanese Valdera in the municipality of Massarosa in the province of Lucca. 53 accidents, of which 21 were fatal, occurred on motorway sections. Along the list of sections where there is a particularly high number of investments: many consular posts in the Municipality of Rome and the SS 005 Tiburtina in the Municipality of Tivoli stand out. In addition, the SS 001 Aurelia in the Municipality of Diano Marina Vallecrosia (IM), the SS 227 in the Municipality of Santa Margherita Ligure (GE), the SS 016 Adriatica in the Municipality of Fano (PU), the SS 155 of Fiuggi in the Municipality of Fiuggi and the SS 270 of Ischia Verde in the Municipality of Forio (NA).


Compared to 2019, the A 51 East ring road of Milan, the GRA of Rome, the A 8 in the province of Varese and the SS 036 of Lake Como and Spluga in the province of Monza Brianza are the roads where accidents have decreased by accidents are more absolute and deaths have also decreased; while A12 in the province of Genoa, A4 in the province of Padua, A13 in the province of Bologna, SS 16 Adriatica in the provinces of Ravenna and Pesaro-Urbino, SS 372 Telesina in the province of Caserta, SS 121 Catanese are the sections with the greatest decreases of deaths in absolute value.

The ACI study, available on the portal, includes two distinct sections, one relating to general accident data and the other specific to the location of road accidents occurring on the main road network. The section dedicated to localization contains the accident statistics for each kilometer of road analyzed, with details relating to the consequences for people, type of accident, month, time, day of the week, particular categories of vehicles involved, characteristic of the place of occurrence. Accident maps complete the analysis: number of accidents per kilometer on each road with data from the reference year, number of fatal accidents per kilometer for each road with data from the last three years, in addition to the geolocation of the accidents.

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