Stellantis: the negotiation continues (in a month), but in addition to the rift between metalworkers, a Psa front opens

The days of negotiations, proposals, optimism and discontent continue (depending on sensitivity on the subject). But certainly, in the Stellantis universe, a situation of calm can never be described. In fact, while the two days of discussions in Turin ended today for the renewal of the second-level contract expiring at the end of the year (we will meet again in exactly one month: 12 and 13 January), in addition to the differences between the metalworkers’ unions, a new front is opening as regards PSA, or the “French” part of the marriage contracted by FCA to give life to the new automotive group.

We are talking about working hours

But let’s go in order. After the environmental and safety issues that marked the previous meetings, the “signatory” metalworkers’ unions (i.e. Fiom excluded) talked with the top management regarding working hours. A theme that is strongly intertwined with the progressive digitization and technological evolution of companies and which could lead to greater flexibility (of entry and exit).

Productive recoveries were also discussed, both in terms of notice periods and indemnities. But also of lunch breaks and social shock absorbers. Furthermore, for Cnhi employees, the experimentation on short Fridays could continue.

Fiom asks to bring the tables together

“The comparison on the subject of working hours carried out so far allows for a significant improvement in the rules in favor of workers – they say from Fim – and above all imposes much more binding rules on companies on the issue of production recoveries”. “We are at the eighth positive, , proactive and constructive meeting among all – they say from Uglm – bringing home another important result, even if the negotiation is not easy”.

But not everyone shares this kind of reading. Indeed, Fiom proclaimed an 8-hour strike (on the occasion of the provincial protest of 15 December) denouncing “the company’s unwillingness to overcome distances and share a new system of union relations”. In short, the request is that to bring together the trade union tables. “We are not willing to exchange freedom of initiative with union viability”.

A position that is teased by Fismic, who comments: “The participatory system, which is the basis of the specific collective agreement, in the light of the developments in the negotiation, it is clear that it works and provides concrete results for the workers of the Cnhi, Iveco, Stellantis and Ferrari; those who have chosen the path of sterile opposition, on the other hand, are stuck at the stake and are thinking of phantom mobilizations of workers”.

Meanwhile, the PSA front is (re) opening

But as mentioned, a front linked to Psa is also opening up under the Stellantis umbrella. And Filcams Cgil sounded the alarm, accusing the Group of having given notice starting from 2023 “of the national contract and all the supplementary bargaining for Psa Italia workers to switch to the second-level contract”. Including the supplementary one closed only last December 2020. And they threaten a strike if the procedure is not withdrawn. “The company has once again demonstrated that it does not respect male and female workers and does not take union relations into account. Last November 18, during the last meeting at the Stellantis offices in Via Plava in Turin, the trade unions and RSU had urged the company to present a development and industrial perspective plan and to provide information on the integration of PSA Italia into the Stellantis group. The responses received were vague and insufficient”.

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