Asgardia, the world’s first Space Nation, has inaugurated Dr Igor Ashurbeyli as Head of Nation

Large global audience watched live broadcast of historic digital event in Digital Asgardia National Park

LONDON, Dec. 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Dr Igor Ashurbeyli has been inaugurated as Head of Nation of Asgardia, the world’s first Space Nation. The ceremony was broadcast live at 2pm GMT yesterday on the Asgardia website and watched by Asgardians across the world.

The broadcast was the first event of its kind to be hosted in a digital space environment, using 3D renders of the Asgardia National Ark which will be Asgardia’s physical, habitable location orbiting the Earth in the future. It can be viewed here.

Asgardia is the world’s first Space Nation, with the primary objective of building a new home for humanity in space and protecting planet Earth. The core mission of the nation is to achieve the first human childbirth in space, a crucial step on humanity’s path to immortality as a species in the universe. Asgardia aims to unite humanity into a transnational, progressive society that will include 2% of the population of planet Earth and become one of the top 12 world economies. More than one million people around the world have already joined the Space Nation Asgardia.

Dr Igor Ashurbeyli has been re-elected as Head of Nation by the Residents of Asgardia, after successfully serving his first five-year term in office. Dr Ashurbeyli won an overwhelming majority of 93.17% in the election, which was held in September 2022.

Speaking at the inauguration, Dr Igor Ashurbeyli, Head of Nation of Asgardia, said:

“Looking at the way humankind is polarized today, I appeal to all Asgardians as citizens of their Earthly countries: You are our future. You are called upon to be those who will end hostilities and wars on planet Earth and strive into the infinite Universe. Alone, neither nations, nor peoples, nor even their coalitions, can create the universal harmony we so desperately need. Only the evolution of each and every one will fill our common world with love.”

The inauguration ceremony was hosted by Dumitru-Dorin Prunariu, a Romanian cosmonaut and Asgardia’s Head of Administration to the Head of Nation of Asgardia. It also included speeches from Lembit Öpik, Asgardia’s Chairman of Parliament; Lena De Winne, Prime Minister of Asgardia; and Dr Yun Zhao, The Head of the Supreme Court of Asgardia.

The broadcast was watched by ambassadors from countries around the world, representatives of a number of major public organisations affiliated with UN structures, Asgardian Members of Parliament, Government, Court and other civil servants of Asgardia, its residents and other Asgardians, astronauts, space industry managers, scientists, international lawyers, and media from all over the world.

Asgardia is the world’s first Space Nation, founded in 2016. It is a fully-fledged and independent nation, and a future member of the United Nations – with all the attributes this status entails: a constitution, government and embassies, a flag, a currency, and a national anthem.

About Asgardia

Asgardia is the world’s first Space Nation. It is a unique international community of people who deem themselves responsible for the future of our planet and all humankind. Already, more than one million people around the world are registered as Asgardians.

Asgardia aims to unite people in a transnational, equal and progressive society to build a new home for humanity in space and protect our cradle — planet Earth. The Nation’s

core scientific and ideological mission is to achieve the first childbirth in space.

For more information, visit

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