@Daimler: New Employer Branding Campaign: Mercedes-Benz offers a working environment for individual development

  • Mercedes-Benz offers a modern, flexible and appreciative work environment
  • Company underlines its attractiveness as an employer with launch of new international campaign “Becoming … One of Us”
  • New image film and more than 40 motifs focus on people and their individual development

Under the motto “Becoming… One of Us,” Mercedes-Benz launches a new international campaign to continue positioning itself as an attractive employer in the job market. With this campaign Mercedes-Benz expresses its conviction that the success of the company depends to a large extent on employees realizing their full potential in their work – with their technical expertise, pioneering spirit and uniqueness. In the course of this campaign the employer value proposition is also redefined as: “Together for excellence”.

„More than 160,000 applicants in 2022 in Germany alone show: Mercedes-Benz not only builds desirable cars but is also a sought-after employer. We underline this with our new employer branding campaign in which we focus on people and their individual development. “Together for excellence” is a promise to our workforce, which delivers top performance. We heavily invest to create a modern and motivating working environment for our team. The measures range from mobile working and flexible work time models to an attractive remuneration package. Above all there is a culture of respectful cooperation and appreciation based on integrity, diversity and sustainability.”
Sabine Kohleisen, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Human Resources & Labour Director

Around 170,000 people from nearly 150 nations work at Mercedes-Benz worldwide. The campaign invites prospects to become part of the Mercedes-Benz team and discover the diverse development opportunities for themselves: “Becoming … a Pioneer”, “Becoming … Your Best Self”, “Becoming … One of Us”. The visual language also focuses on people and their varied personalities and attributes. The sky is the consistent visual element of the more than 40 motifs. This symbolizes that the company connects all individuals worldwide – regardless of age, origin, gender, religion or sexual orientation.

Attractive employer: For the employees of today and tomorrow

The campaign takes into account the fact that people are more motivated, more efficient and happier when they are constantly developing and can contribute their personality and identity as is. The company creates and promotes equal opportunity and a culture of appreciation and respect. For example, Mercedes-Benz has set the goal of filling 30 percent of senior management positions with qualified women by 2030. The Management Board is already 37.5 percent female.

A key aspect of the new ”Becoming…One of Us” campaign is personal development and lifelong learning. With its Turn2Learn qualification push Mercedes-Benz offers employees unlimited opportunities to learn – in all areas of the company. Because qualification and further training are prerequisites for success – for both the company and for every single employee.

Flexibility and a good work-life balance have gained in importance. The company therefore reaffirmed its commitment to hybrid work in 2022. Depending on the task, area and international location, different forms of work are possible – from full in-office presence to 100 percent mobile work. Employees of the Mercedes-Benz Group in Germany and of participating subsidiaries will be soon given the opportunity to work from different other European countries for a few weeks a year for personal reasons. In addition, Mercedes-Benz offers a variety of worktime models such as part-time work, job sharing and sabbaticals. Childcare is available at all major German locations.

Mercedes-Benz also continues to invest in the health of its workforce. In 2022 the company implemented numerous health programs and preventive measures worth 6.6 million euros in Germany alone.
An attractive salary remains an important element when choosing a career. Mercedes-Benz offers its employees’ salaries that are partially well above the average salary for respective positions.

Sustainable business strategy as part of employer attractiveness

Last but not least, the topic of sustainability is gaining in importance for employees. Mercedes-Benz pursues a sustainable business strategy and strives for a balance between environmental, economic and social interests in its implementation. With “Ambition 2039,” the company has set the goal of making its fleet of new cars and vans carbon neutral with offsets by 2039 – eleven years earlier than required by EU legislation. In addition, Mercedes-Benz wants to be fully electric by 2030 – wherever market conditions allow. The automotive manufacturer is aware of its social responsibility: The company’s commitments include vehicle and monetary donations worldwide and the support of charitable organizations.

About the campaign

The campaign consists of a media mix with the main campaign film as a 60-second spot, social media variants as 10- or 15-second spots, and more than 40 key visuals for different target groups and work areas. In addition, the career website has been relaunched. Numerous context-related images complement the visual presentations. The campaign was created in cooperation with the MDCT agency.

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