German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: “Here the hut is on fire”: Harsh cuts in VW works council salaries expected006034

VW skyscraper in Wolfsburg

Many employee representatives have to reckon with salary losses.

(Photo: imago images / regios24)

These are nerve-wracking days for the approximately 250 works council members in the Volkswagen Group. The reason is a decision by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in mid-January. This is likely to result in severe salary cuts for numerous employee representatives.
According to information from the Handelsblatt, letters have been sent to around 170 members of the works council at VW in the past few days. Anyone who has already received a written note can usually breathe a sigh of relief. Nothing changes for him or her as a result of the BGH decision. However, all other employee representatives must reckon with salary losses.
According to group insiders, several scenarios of possible salary cuts are currently being played out. As things stand, the cuts in around 20 of the affected works councils are said to be serious. They are threatened with a loss of around half their previous salary. In individual cases, monthly sums of around 4000 euros are involved. The cuts could take effect as early as the end of February. The Handelsblatt learned this from circles familiar with the process.

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