Union Budget 2023: An accelerator for electric vehicles

 India has maintained a positive outlook towards sustainable development and capacity building for renewable sector in the country, which has led to positive sentiments in the sector.
India has maintained a positive outlook towards sustainable development and capacity building for renewable sector in the country, which has led to positive sentiments in the sector.

The year 2023 is set to witness a slew of positive policy developments around India’s G-20’s presidency. Apart from the broader spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the presidential theme also consists of developmental actions around cleaner, greener and bluer future.

For the past several years, India has maintained a positive outlook towards sustainable development and capacity building for renewable sector in the country, which has led to positive sentiments in the sector. While the green economy is still nascent, it holds out great promise for India to address the trilemma around Energy Security, Affordability and Sustainability. It is also critical for ensuring a Just Transition on climate, creating employment and modernizing the economy. The year has already started with a bang with nearly Rs. 20,000 crores earmarked for the Green Hydrogen Mission. More is likely to flow in other areas including clean mobility and particularly electric vehicles (EV).

Increased focus is also necessary to create an efficient indigenous EV industry, which has to be a policy priority. Over the past three decades, India emerged as a key global player in the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) market. With global move towards EVs in preference to ICE, it is essential that India makes that transition quickly to create a robust home and export market. Unfortunately the EV ecosystem including the materials, supply chain and operating infrastructure has very different characteristics from ICE. Active governmental support thus becomes very important for an effective transition where India creates its own space in the global EV ecosystem.

The initial push for promoting sales of electric vehicles has already been set in motion with both Central Government and State Governments like Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Kerala providing for tax benefits, waiver of road tax and registration fee for electric vehicle buyers. Such steps have been appreciated by EV users, which is evident from year-on-year increase in sales of electric vehicles. It is expected that Indian EV market should clock 6 lakh unit sales in FY23 itself, which is a very positive sign.

For electric vehicle manufacturers, the Government has already launched initiatives, such as, Faster Adoption of Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles Scheme – II (FAME – II) and Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) with a budgetary outlay of INR 10,000 crore and INR 25,938 crore respectively. These initiatives have also found support from automobile manufacturers that have committed to invest an amount of INR 74,850 crore as against the Governmental target estimate of INR 42,500 crore spread over a period of five years starting from FY23. Such initiatives and subsequent response from the industry is a much-needed boost towards achieving 5 USD trillion economy, Make in India and Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.

While Government of India is taking positive steps towards achieving its aim of having electric vehicle sales comprising of 30% of private cars, 70% of commercial vehicles and 80% of two – three wheelers, the upcoming Union Budget provides a good opportunity for the Government to further boost this space and provide impetus for growth. Some of the measures that can be considered by the Government are mentioned below:

·While the steps have been taken for electric vehicle manufacturers and buyers, support should also be provided for improving charging infrastructure. Certain States like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala have provided subsidies / incentives for laying down charging infrastructure, however, the same requires support from Central Government for pan-India coverage. Accordingly, the Government should consider increasing the budgetary allocation under the FAME – II policy and include charging infrastructure within its ambit.

·Incentivization of battery swapping business models under FAME – II framework should also go a long way in making the usage of electric vehicle viable for public.

·Currently, FAME – II policy is slated to expire on 31 March 2024. The Government should consider extending this time limit, given that this sector is at a nascent stage.

·Rationalizing GST rates for electric vehicles and its essential components ~ currently, GST outlay on electric vehicles stands at 5% whereas majority of its components are subjected to a higher levy of 28% and 18%. The Government should bring these components under the same umbrella of 5%.

·There is a large ICE stock which needs to be transitioned towards clean mobility solutions. The State Governments have also empaneled vendors for converting these ICE into electric vehicles. Conversion kits are subjected to a higher GST rate of 18%. The Government should consider bringing in parity for such conversion kits to promote conversion of ICE into electric vehicles.

·Battery prices have increased to the extent of 25% in the past one year owing to increase in input costs. The Government should consider providing incentives, such as, Viability Gap Funding for Energy Storage Systems projects for a certain transitional period till the costs come down to a reasonable level and subsequently the same can be phased out.

·This sector is driven by extensive research and development, hence, an additional tax deduction should be considered for companies spending on research and development activities relating to electric vehicles and their components.

·Concessional income tax rate of 15% is available for new domestic manufacturing companies which commences production on or before 31 March 2024. This timeline of commencing production before 31 March 2024 appears to be short given the extensive research and infrastructure required to be set up by electric vehicle manufacturers. The Government should consider extending this benefit to a later date as well.

The above mentioned measures should go a long way in creating a more harmonized structure in the industry and for taking the initiative to the next stage of development and evolution. This is a critical year which not only marks India’s G-20 presidency but also an inflection point for its clean energy transition and economic transformation. These practical steps should make the transition and transformation real and create a huge positive vibe that will go on to serve India’s global leadership ambitions.

(Anish De is the Global Head of Energy, Natural Resources and Chemicals (ENRC) at KPMG and Nandita Tripathi is a Partner of M&A and PE Tax and ENR Tax Lead at KPMG in India)


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