Sales of electrified vehicles increase 50% in January

The electrified market reaches 8,076 units, doubling sales compared to the previous year

Sales of electrified vehicles improve, but only represent 10.5% of the market, far from the European average

Alternative vehicles remain the first purchase option at the start of the year, with 31,095 units

Madrid, February 1, 2023.- Sales of electrified vehicles (electric and plug-in hybrids, including passenger cars, quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles, and buses) managed to start the year with an increase of 49.4%, to 8,076 units. This figure represents 10.56% of the total market, barely 0.1 percentage points more than in January of the previous year.

As for the registrations of zero and low emission vehicles (electrified, hybrid and gas), they increased by 56.7% in the year, with 31,095 units sold. Sales of this type of vehicle, with a market share of 40.65%, remain the first purchase option for users, ahead of gasoline and diesel.


Sales of pure electric vehicles increased 80.8% in January, with 3,955 units registered this month. It represents 5.17% of the market share in the month.


Sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles grew by 28.1% during January and reached 4,121 registered units this month. It represents 5.39% of the market share for the month.


Sales of non-plug-in hybrid vehicles increased by 57.8% during January, reaching 21,044 registered units this month. It represents 27.51% of the market share in January.


Sales of gas vehicles grew 80% in January with 1,974 registered units representing 2.58% of the market share in the month.


The registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas PASSENGERS increased their sales in January by 56.5% compared to the same month of the previous year, up to 29,874 units delivered, which with 46.57% of sales remain the first option shopping.

Regarding the electrified passenger car market, in January its sales increased by 43.9%, with 7,175 units sold. Battery electric (BEV) grew 72.3% to 3,061 units in the month, as did plug-in hybrids (PHEV) with an increase in registrations of 28.2% to 4,114 units. In this first month, electrified passenger cars accounted for 11.19% of the total passenger car market.

The electrified passenger car market achieves a notable improvement over the previous year, but with a volume of 7,175 units in a declining market, the pace of entry is still slow and low. During 2022, the minimum sales objective was not reached and for this year it is necessary to accelerate its entry to achieve the 190,000 units necessary to achieve the objectives required by Europe. From ANFAC, we have requested through the Roadmap 2023-25, a set of measures to be applied from this year to consolidate electrification in Spain.


José López-Tafall, general director of ANFAC indicated that “we are concerned with the evolution of electrified cars: they only account for 11% of monthly sales and barely 7,000 units. Thus we are not going to recover ground with the leading countries in Europe, among which we want to be. At ANFAC we are aware of the delicate economic situation that our country is going through and that buying a vehicle is always a significant effort for families, but neighboring countries in Europe, under similar conditions, are managing to accelerate electrification. This 2023, and until 2025, are the key period that will make the difference between being a leader or a follower, and we must act accordingly. From ANFAC we have presented a 2023-2025 Roadmap of urgent measures in three key areas: improvement of aid plans, effective and immediate measures to develop public access charging points and, especially, taxation that is a purchasing incentive tool. What is no longer valid is to continue the same, if we want different results we have to bet on different measures. Our obligation is to warn him and make concrete proposals, time is running out.”

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