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The Czech Republic is making itself independent of Russian natural gas
The Czech Republic has radically reduced its originally high dependence on Russian natural gas. In January, imports of Russian gas fell to zero, Industry and Trade Minister Jozef Sikela announced on Twitter on Saturday evening. The CTK news agency pointed out that the minister had left open whether the complete renunciation of Russian gas was permanent.
According to Sikela, in recent years the Czech Republic has covered almost all of its gas requirements from Russia. After the deliveries via the Nord Stream pipeline ceased, however, it was possible to replace them with imports via Germany from other sources. Above all, it is about gas imports from Norway and liquid gas from Belgium and the Netherlands. The Russian share, which continued to be obtained via Slovakia, had fallen to 2.2 percent in recent months and to zero in January.
The Czech Republic is one of the most determined supporters of Ukraine in its defensive war against Russia and at the same time one of the most vehement advocates of the strictest possible sanctions against Russia.

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