Transport infrastructure through new mobility

The turnaround in traffic is on everyone’s lips. But what changes does this bring?

The turnaround in traffic is often introduced when it comes to introducing new vehicles. Can new vehicles actually solve the problems? To do this, one must also answer the question of how it will be in the future transport infrastructure is ordered.

Autonomous driving is of course one of the new technologies that new vehicles are putting on the road. And inside beats the heart of an AI. This technology has already reached many areas of everyday life and the prime example is the mobile phone. Of course, one day it will also change the world of transport.

This is not only about, but also about the changes in the transport infrastructure. As recently reported, some experts believe that the days of the traffic lights are counted. A few years ago, Google suggested that you could QR codes use as a traffic sign. Of course, that’s bad for people, especially without a smartphone. Could the solution be to build a mix of traffic signs for machines and people? From a purely economic point of view, one should compare the development costs for recognizing modern license plates and the double provision. The idea that autonomous cars should drive on separate routes is not off the table yet. However, it is clear that autonomous driving and the AI ​​itself will trigger a change.

Bicycle traffic and the e-scooter motor also show tendencies to change the current traffic world. Cycling needs more space, which creates a dilemma, especially in cities. So far, car traffic has taken up the largest share of the traffic area, but even for that it is not enough. It is clear that cycling needs more space. With them, more and more e-scooters are entering the market. At this Model of a street-legal e-scooter from Streetbooster the possibility of authorization is emphasized. The use of these vehicles still takes some getting used to, but they are already demanding solutions.

By the way Electricity operation is considered agreed, regardless of where the electricity comes from. Of course, this requires a charging infrastructure that is also standardized. It is an age-old knowledge in economic life that standardization for mass production or use is a basic condition for further development. The idea of ​​using the lanterns as a gas pump is obvious. But maybe enough in some future a small solar panel as big as the vehicle to provide enough power.

The idea of air taxis is not feasible in my opinion. Not technically, that will certainly work soon with enough research, but solely the energy question. Because lifting off the ground simply requires a lot of power – more than starting off. Even if fuel was as low as it was in its cheapest days, the majority would not take a helicopter flight. Otherwise there would certainly have been a common helicopter service in the cities one day. The technology is there. Whether the solar cell can provide so much energy? An old system, that of public transport, is faster and easier to map.

Delivery traffic is constantly increasing. So far, drones have not brought the desired usability. The ideas range from drone mailbox up to robot dogs, to the last mile to overcome. So far I haven’t come across a really conclusive concept for this. Since the car cannot reach the mailbox, autonomous driving is not an easy solution. Solutions are needed here soon.

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