Canada allows DC fast chargers to bill by energy usage instead of charging time

Public chargers can be set up to bill customers according the time they spend plugged in (by the minute), or according to the actual amount of energy dispensed (by the kWh). The latter method is fairer and more consistent, as there are many factors that can affect how much energy is delivered in a given time; but it’s also more complicated, as it requires every station to incorporate an accurate meter. Furthermore, billing for charging is regulated by government agencies, and until recently, many of these did not allow billing by the kWh.

Now Measurement Canada has taken a step forward by issuing a “temporary dispensation” that will let DC fast charging operators bill customers by the amount of electricity transferred.

Previously, charging operators were required to bill users based on the time spent plugged in. Now, after more than two years of consultations and debate, Measurement Canada has changed the rules to accommodate the more modern per-kWh method.

The “temporary dispensation” will be in force until 2030. DC fast chargers (aka Level 3 fast chargers) will not be required to have sealed and certified electric meters, but they will need to be registered with Measurement Canada.

“After taking into account that the integrity and accuracy of electricity meters must be maintained and having determined that this dispensation is in the public interest, I hereby grant permission to owners of Level 3+ electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) to put those meters into service without verification and sealing,” said Measurement Canada Acting President Benoit Desforges.

Some questions remain. In some locations, provincial regulations may also apply. And of course, it will be up to charging providers to decide whether they want to switch to usage-based pricing.

Meanwhile, a bill that would implement per-kWh pricing is pending in the state of Georgia.

Source: Motor Illustrated

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