Fast facts on what it takes to test drive cars at GM

The testing performed at the General Motors Milford Proving Ground is grueling on both drivers and vehicles.

The engineers who evaluate cars at high speeds are the top guns of driving and there are many safety measures in place. There’s also a strong support staff.

The punishing testing of the vehicles leads to safer cars coming off assembly lines. Here are some facts about this highly secured and surveilled place out in the country northwest of Detroit.

A view from the top of the hill at part of the North-South Straightaway at the GM Milford Proving Ground in Milford on Nov 10, 2022.

What kind of roads are used to test vehicles?

The road surfaces vary from dirt, to hills, to bumpy concrete with purpose-made potholes, to a straightaway with no speed limit, to the three-mile Milford Road Course and Black Lake. Black Lake is a slab of black asphalt that in the sunlight looks like water. It is the size of 59 football fields.

GM’s proving ground provided Disney World with inspiration

The Test Track ride at Disney World in Florida was inspired by Milford Proving Ground. The experience was modeled around a combination of GM’s test loops.

How dangerous is it to test drive a car?

GM measures safety as accidents per million miles and its accident rate is half that of the national average on the public road system.

Has anyone died test driving a car?

In the nearly 100 years GM has had the facility, eight drivers have died. GM’s first fatalities were in 1930. GM was testing a Cadillac V-16 Roadster convertible at 112 mph when the tires blew out resulting in two engineers dying. That incident inspired the S-rating in the speed rating on tires. S-rated tires have 112 mph as the designated maximum speed they can go safely while continuously running.