Renault Nissan Automotive India commits to revitalisation of 10 water bodies in and around Oragadam

Renault Nissan Automotive India commits to revitalisation of 10 water bodies in and around Oragadam

Renault Nissan Automotive India is working to revitalise ten lakes and ponds in and around Oragadam in Kanchipuram district, home to its manufacturing plant. It has set aside close to Rs 3.7 crores of CSR funds for restoring and revitalising these water bodies. 

Work has already commenced on Oragadam lake, which is the primary source of water for six villages. As part of its revitalisation work, Renault Nissan Automotive India will undertake to desilt and deepen the lake, amongst other protective actions, in order to increase its capacity by adding 1,17,500 kilo litres equivalent of extra storage, support groundwater recharging, and increase biodiversity. In addition to strengthening the embankment of the lake, a 1500 metre fence will also be built around the perimeter of the waterbody to prevent encroachment. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

The company has also initiated work to protect nine other lakes and ponds in and around Oragadam including in Ezhicur, Kandigai, Appur, Serapanenchery, Valayakaranai, Karanai Thangal, Perinjampakkam and Vattampakkam villages. The water bodies will be dredged, deepened and desilted to an average depth of about of one metre, adding much needed water capacity, thereby directly improving the neighboring community’s living conditions and sustaining the availability of drinking water in the wells and borewells.

Commenting on the initiative, Keerthi Prakash, MD, Renault Nissan Automotive India said that the company was committed to minimising impact on the environment and looking after the wellbeing of communities. “Water sustainability is a key priority for our operations and CSR focus. Our lake revitalisation projects will boost water conservation in the villages around our plant and will benefit both the people living here as well as help sustain biodiversity in the area,” he stated. 

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