German Handelsblatt: Continental Annual General Meeting 2023: How much dividend does the Continental share bring?006787

When is the Continental Annual General Meeting 2023?

The Continental Annual General Meeting will be held on April 27, 2023.
What is the Continental dividend for 2023?
A dividend of EUR 1.50 per share will be proposed to the shareholders of the automotive supplier for the 2022 financial year.
What was the Continental dividend for 2022?
A dividend of EUR 2.20 was paid to the shareholders for the 2021 financial year.
When will the 2023 Continental dividend be paid?
The dividend is due on the third banking day after the Annual General Meeting. It must therefore be paid out to the custodian banks on May 3, 2023. In the dividend calendar you can find all dates of the companies in the Dax, MDax and SDax.

When are Continental shares quoted “ex dividend”?
On the first business day after the Annual General Meeting, the share is quoted “ex dividend” – the price of the share is reduced by the value of the dividend. Click here for the current Continental share price.
By when do I have to buy Continental stock in 2023 to receive a dividend?
In order to receive Continental dividends for fiscal year 2022, the shares must have been purchased no later than the day of the Annual General Meeting.
Continental updates
In the run-up to the Annual General Meeting, shareholder representatives called for Wolfgang Reitzle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Continental AG, to be replaced. In the past few weeks and months, criticism of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board has increased in view of new compliance violations at Continental both inside and outside the company. As has now become known, the shareholder representatives of Deka Reitzle will refuse to approve their actions at the group’s AGM.

“Continental is still caught up in the emissions scandal. The board of directors seems to be sticking their heads in the sand. He should finally bring clarity to the exhaust gas scandal and clarify what role the chairman Wolfgang Reitzle played in it,” says Ingo Speich, Head of Sustainability and Corporate Governance at Deka Investment.
More: Shareholder representatives refuse to discharge Conti chief supervisor Wolfgang Reitzle

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