German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen, Rheinmetall and Co.: Dividend calendar 2023 – These Dax companies pay dividends006890

Im Handelsblatt-Dividendenkalender 2023 finden Sie konkrete Termine zu den Hauptversammlungen und zur Dividendenausschüttung der Unternehmen im Dax, MDax und SDax. Auch können Anleger im Dividendenkalender einen direkten Dividenden-Vergleich zum Vorjahr machen.
Grundsätzlich gilt: Unternehmen zahlen im laufenden Jahr die Dividende für das vergangene Geschäftsjahr aus. Ein Beispiel: Die 2023 vorgeschlagene Dividende der SAP-Aktie basiert auf dem Geschäftsjahr 2022. 
Dividendenkalender DAX

Hinweis: Bei den Daten zu Dividenden, die in der Zukunft liegen, handelt es sich um Dividendenvorschläge der Unternehmen. 
Welches Unternehmen zahlte im vergangenen Jahr die höchste Dividende?
Unter allen Dax-Konzernen zahlte die Münchener Rück 2022 für das Geschäftsjahr 2021 die höchste Dividende pro Stammaktie. Aktionäre erhielten am Dividendentermin elf Euro für eine Aktie der Munich Re. An zweiter Stelle stand die Allianz. Sie schüttete 10,80 Euro pro Stammaktie aus. Auch im laufenden Jahr führt die Münchener Rück die Liste der dividendenstärksten Titel innerhalb des DAX an. Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat der Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft schlagen ihren Aktionären eine Dividende in Höhe von 11,60 Euro vor. 

>> On the topic of dividends, read:

Dividend calendar background
Public limited companies hold an ordinary general meeting (AGM) at least once a year. This is stipulated by the German Stock Corporation Act. Anyone who holds a common share in the company can attend the general meeting as a shareholder with voting rights. Among other things, decisions are made here as to whether a dividend will be distributed to the shareholders. By paying dividends, companies give their shareholders a share of the profits.
In advance, the Management Board and Supervisory Board make a dividend proposal based on the previous financial year. The assembled shareholders vote on this at the AGM, so they can accept or reject it. 50 percent of the votes are enough for approval. As a rule, the proposal is accepted and the dividend payment is made accordingly.

If a dividend has been decided, it is due no later than the third bank working day after the Annual General Meeting. This day is marked as “Payday” in the dividend calendar. The sign “ex Div” or “ex D” can sometimes be seen in the course. On this trading day, investors must subtract the dividend paid from the share price in order to determine the correct price. In order to receive a dividend from companies for the past financial year, it is important to comply with the respective deadlines. This means that the share must be in the custody account on the dividend record date, which is usually the day of the general meeting.
What is a dividend yield?
The dividend yield is the ratio of the dividend to the company’s share price. It is considered an important indicator for evaluating stocks, as it provides information about how profitable a dividend is. The formula: (dividend / share price)* 100.
More: General meetings: Dates, dividends & more information
Initial publication: May 4, 2021 at 12:23 p.m

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