ACI, GP F1: Qatar Airways Grand Prix of Made in Italy and Emilia Romagna


Sixth round of the 2023 Formula 1 World Championship at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari racetrack in Imola from 19 to 21 May

At the headquarters of the Emilia Romagna Region, the presentation of the first of the two Italian rounds of the Formula 1 World Championship, with the participation of the presidents of ACI, the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Mayor of Imola. In video link, the ministers of Transport and Infrastructure and of Enterprise and Made in Italy, the president of the ICE Agency and a video message from the president and CEO of Formula 1.

In Imola, at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari International Circuit, in the heart of the “Motor Valley” of the Emilia-Romagna Region, from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May the engines of Formula 1 will make themselves heard again, with the Qatar Airways Grand Prix of Made in Italy and Emilia-Romagna, sixth round of the 2023 F.1 World Championship. The response from fans was immediate: tickets sold so far for the day of the race exceeded 82%: at least 160,000 spectators expected in the Santerno circuit over the weekend. In a unique district in the world – land of great two and four wheel brands, great champions, innovation and know-how – the Grand Prix is ​​a unique opportunity to transform one of the most popular sporting events in the world into an extraordinary promotional opportunity international level of Made in Italy and the automotive supply chain, starting from the “Motor Valley of Emilia-Romagna”. The numbers prove it: the 2022 edition was followed by 82.2 million viewers, all over the world, and – according to a JFC study – generated an economic return for the area of ​​over 274 million euros. A result that rewards the teamwork of an entire territory, in close synergy with the Government and with Formula 1 itself. A few hours before the day dedicated to free practice which will give the official start to the first European round of the Formula 1 World Championship 2023, the Grand Prix and the agreement between the institutional and non-institutional partners were presented this morning in Bologna, at the headquarters of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

Sticchi Damiani: “Extraordinary pride for Italy as protagonist of world motorsport”

“The pride with which we are preparing to kick off the Imola GP which has celebrated Made in Italy in its name for three years is extraordinary,” said Angelo Sticchi Damiani, president of the Automobile Club of Italy . “Pride, because Imola is in the heart of the Motor Land as well as in that of enthusiasts and because ACI is its organizer, as in Monza. In fact, Italy has always been a protagonist of world motorsport, from its very beginnings witnessing its importance as a driving force for innovation and the development of motoring. The Enzo and Dino Ferrari International Circuit is not just an asphalt track: it is a community, with its own history and perspective. It is the symbol of the many men and women who – trying their hand as drivers, builders, designers, technicians, mechanics – feed our passion and contribute every day to the technological progress of our cars, even in its electric future. At Imola, with the Grand Prix, we celebrate all of this and once again confirm Italy as true automotive excellence”. “I thank for their support – concluded the ACI president – the ministers Salvini, Tajani and Urso, the president of Ice Zoppas, the president of the Bonaccini Region, the mayor of Imola Panieri and ConAmi for the work of raising awareness in the area. Finally, the president of Formula 1 Domenicali for his constant commitment to managing the circus”.

Tajani’s message: “Formula 1 is an extraordinary showcase for the promotion of Italy abroad”

Formula 1 is one of the most loved competitions in the world and its strong international appeal, also thanks to Italian excellence in this field, makes it an extraordinary showcase for promoting Italy abroad. Support for the internationalization of our businesses is a priority of the Government, which aims to enhance Italy’s dynamic, innovative, creative and successful image in all sectors. This action is part of the “Diplomacy for Growth”, which I have activated since the beginning of my mandate, for an integrated, 360-degree promotion of Italian excellence and know-how. I also wanted to include in this strategy the major sporting events that we host in Italy and which allow us to reach a passionate audience. Among these, in addition to the Formula 1 Grand Prix, the Giro d’Italia which started in these days, which will arrive for the last stage in Rome; the International Swimming Championships of Italy underway in Rome; the Ryder Cup in September. Our hope is that this journey of important appointments can end with the EXPO in Rome in 2030, on which we are working with the whole Government and the players of the Italian System, the diplomatic-consular network, the ICE offices, the trade associations , the Italian manufacturing fabric, universities, research and innovation centres.

Bonaccini: “Great sporting event, but also an absolute international showcase for the promotion of our territory, the excellence of Emilia-Romagna and the country”

In the days of the GP, Imola becomes a formidable showcase for Italian excellence, as the president of the Emilia Romagna Region, Stefano Bonaccini recalled in his speech. “These were difficult days, and they still are: the bad weather that hit our region has left behind a lot of suffering, enormous inconvenience and enormous damage to citizens, families and businesses. Together, and in close collaboration with the Government, we want to do whatever it takes to stand by people and communities to return to normalcy, guaranteeing the compensation due. And despite the difficulties, we are proud to host the Made in Italy and Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix again this year in Imola. Not only a great sporting event, but also an absolute international showcase for the promotion of our territory, of the excellence of Emilia-Romagna and of the country, starting from the automotive supply chain, which here combines research, growth and good work, culture and passion. Thanks to the highest worldwide concentration of prestigious car and engine manufacturers, where the love for engines has deep roots and is linked to a future that is already a reality, if we think of the development of engines and vehicles with high performance and low ecological impact” – underlined the president of the Region. “Thanks, therefore, to all those who made this event possible, which has now become a permanent part of the world calendar: the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Infrastructure and Transport, Business and Made in Italy, together with the Automobile Club d’Italia, Agenzia Ice, Con.Ami, the Municipality of Imola and Formula 1. For us, for the Region, the confirmation of a commitment to support the territory, to promote its growth, enhancement and attractiveness, through the language alone everywhere in the world: sport”.

Panieri: “A week of events, initiatives, surprises to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the racetrack, looking to the future of a GP that takes us around the world and makes us proud”

The present and future of Imola were at the center of Mayor Marco Panieri’s speech. “With all the strength of a resilient territory like ours, for which, as you know, these have not been easy days, we are here and, while we plan the return to normality together with the Region and the government, we are also directing our gaze to the future. For Imola it is a source of pride and satisfaction to continue to help organize the F.1 Grand Prix at the “Enzo e Dino Ferrari” International Circuit, which in 2023 celebrates the 70th anniversary of its inauguration – declared the mayor of Imola. Imola is ready, both in terms of organization for the race and as a city that dresses up for the party, full of surprises, events and initiatives throughout the week of the Grand Prix: numerous widespread activities that will involve not only F1 enthusiasts but the whole the city. Concerts, exhibitions, food villages and tastings, DJ sets, car exhibitions will color the squares of the historic centre. A magical climate that will unite the racetrack with the city, considering that only 1,500 meters separate the railway station from the circuit: a natural axis that crosses the heart of Imola and which will also be enhanced with additional high-speed and regional trains managed by Trenitalia and TPER . All this, with an eye also to the future of this Grand Prix: the huge investments on the circuit continue with determination and speed. Already this year the new walkway above the pits, the Tosa lawn, the renewal of the sculpture by Arman at the entrance. The Con.Ami territorial consortium, which includes 23 Municipalities including Imola, and which enhances its excellence through Terre&Motori and The Sound of Imola, has already made and planned investments of over 8 million euros. Together with the Emilia-Romagna Region, Aci, Con.Ami and the other partners, certain of the support that the National Government will want to give, we are determined to continue on this path because, as everyone recognizes, the Grand Prix at Imola is a unique showcase for Made in Italy and for the Motor Valley which, with over 274 million euros in overall related activities and excellent visibility on TV and on social media, takes us all over the world and makes us proud”.

Domenicali: “A great party inside and outside a historical circuit that is being renewed”

Stefano Domenicali, President and CEO of Formula 1, intervened with a video message: “This is a special edition because Imola turns 70. I was born and raised there and as a result she has a special place in my heart. But it is also the same for Formula 1, because this racetrack has written important pages in motorsport. My passion for racing was born there. It’s a historic venue but like everything in Formula 1, the circuit is being renewed and improved. This year will host a new qualifying format in which the drivers will have to use hard tires in Q1, mediums in Q2 and softs in Q3. This will make the qualifying day even more interesting. It will be a great party on and off the track. With a Fanzone full of fantastic activities and with the welcome that Emilia Romagna can give. So happy 70th birthday in Imola. I can not wait to come back”.

Zoppas: “Formula 1 Grand Prix multiplier of opportunities to boost the economic growth of our country”

“The Imola Grand Prix projects Italy and Emilia-Romagna – with its Motor Valley – at the center of the international automotive scene. A sector that is of fundamental importance for our country and of great attraction for foreign markets. Despite the crisis – said the President of ICE Matteo Zoppas – the conflict and the effects of inflation, the automotive sector produced a turnover of almost 75 billion euros in 2022, an increase of about 6% compared to the previous year. Of these 21 billion are produced directly by the Motor Valley district which has 11,400 companies and 61,000 employees and which in the context of the region produces an export of 8.9 billion euros. A true excellence of Made in Italy and a unique district in the country that the whole world recognizes us together with other key sectors such as food, fashion and precisely the luxury of the automotive industry. We call it the Made in Italy Grand Prix: a global showcase which was attended by over 82 million people in 2022 and which produced a direct and indirect economic benefit of almost 300 million euros. A fundamental promotion opportunity, which ICE – as well as our government representatives – will continue to support in the belief – concluded Zoppas – that international occasions such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix are multipliers of opportunities to boost the economic growth of our country” .

The GP generates a turnover of 274 million euros

That promoting Made in Italy through the Formula 1 Grand Prix at Imola is a good choice is demonstrated by the numbers generated in the past editions in terms of economic repercussions for the area: the 2022 one, for example, has created a turnover equal to 274 million and 167 thousand euros (Source JFC). At the same time, all communication activities must be considered, coordinated with the extraordinary Nation branding campaign created by ICE with the theme “We drive IT”.

Emilia Romagna: the only true international “Motor Valley”.

Emilia-Romagna is confirmed as the only true international “Motor Valley”. The numbers say it all: 11,400 companies, with over 15,000 local units and 61,000 employees, a turnover of 21 billion euros (10.6% of the national total), of which 11.4 billion in manufacturing (15.2%) . And an export equal to 9.8 billion euros (22.3% of the national figure). And again: 188 sports teams, 13 specialized museums, 18 private collections, 4 racetracks and 11 karting tracks. An economic and work heritage but also a cultural one. Prestigious brands, famous in the world; great champions of two and four wheels; unique talents and professionalism; companies and start-ups that look to the future and invest in research, innovation and sustainability. Up to the six international degree courses of MUNER, the Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna, a unique reality, wanted by the Region together with the four universities of Emilia-Romagna and all the biggest motor manufacturers in the area, which calls here students from every Village. And then the Clust-ER Mec which brings together research centers and companies active in the motor and mechatronics sectors to boost the competitiveness of the entire supply chain. And many international exhibitions and events: Autopromotec, E-Tech Europe, Futurmotive in Bologna. And the Motor Valley Fest, the great open-air fair of the Emilia-Romagna motor land, which ended yesterday. Also a tourist product: the total visitors to museums and collections, together with the spectators of the events taking place in the Emilia-Romagna racetracks, exceed 2 million presences. The economic impact deriving from the tourist and excursion movement exceeds 300 million euros of related activities.

Emilia-Romagna is increasingly the land of major sporting events

Not only the Qatar Airways Grand Prix of Made in Italy and Emilia-Romagna. From 2 to 4 June, the Misano World Circuit ‘Marco Simoncelli’ will host the Superbike World Championship, while from 8 to 10 September, the MotoGP will again take place in Misano with the Grand Prix of San Marino and the Rimini Riviera. Three extraordinary motoring appointments: a record that only Emilia-Romagna can boast, that of hosting Formula 1, Moto Gp and Superbike. From cycling, with the two stages on May 14 and 16 of the Giro d’Italia, waiting for the “Florence Emilia-Romagna” Grand Départ of the Tour de France in 2024; to tennis, with the Davis Cup returning to Bologna from 11 to 17 September, after last year’s debut, with one of the four groups of the final phase. On 28 August, the opening ceremony and the inaugural match of the men’s European volleyball championship at the Unipol Arena in Casalecchio di Reno, with the world champion Italian national team. And the always eagerly awaited appointment with the Ironman Emilia-Romagna triathlon, on 16 September in Cervia. And again: basketball, football, athletics, gymnastics, rugby, baseball, skating, beach volleyball, for a 2023 dedicated to great sport with over 100 highly popular events, promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region. Without forgetting, again at the Imola racetrack, from 14 to 16 July, the Italian Round of the Superbike World Championship, another important event in the heart of the Motor Valley.

Imola dressed up for the party, with music, food and colors to bring the historic center to life

A dedicated city dressing will dress up the city to welcome the public arriving at Imola during the days of the Grand Prix. During the entire days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 1,500-metre natural axis that starts from the railway station, crosses the historic center and arrives at the racetrack will be animated with initiatives and events, including exhibitions, car displays, food villages in where you can taste the food and wine specialties of the area, DJ sets, as well as animations promoted and organized by public establishments. In fact, even the same commercial activities, with dedicated offers and proposals, have mobilized to improve their windows and their exhibition spaces, thanks also to a prize competition organized by the Municipality of Imola. In particular, the three squares in the heart of the city will be dedicated to the music, flavors and traditions of our territory. Piazza Matteotti, the main square, will become the “Villaggio Terre&Motori” with a food village, wine tastings, music, an exhibition of vehicles from the forces of order and the official shop with the original merchandising of Formula 1. In addition, Piazza Gramsci and Piazza Medaglie d ‘Oro will be animated with proposals aimed more at young people, with catering and music activities with various DJ sets. There will be many surprises spread throughout the streets of the Historic Center of Imola.

Wide range of parking spaces

For those arriving by car or bus, a large number of convenient parking spaces have been set up, even close to the entrances to the racetrack. The map and indications on . In addition, three camping areas will also be set up, with reservations required subject to availability.

News for the public and Fanzone

The Fanzone will be open from Friday to Sunday, free of charge, for those in possession of the GP ticket. Hours: from 8 to 20. Extraordinary prologue with free admission for citizens Thursday 18, from 13. In that area fans will be able to discover the behind-the-scenes of the GPs, meet their favorites and attend concerts (until 21) or ride a 32-meter-high Ferris wheel.

Six new grandstands

There is still a chance not to miss this great show. In fact, tickets are still available for both Sunday (circular and some grandstands), Saturday and Friday (grandstands, lawn and circular) which enthusiasts can buy directly from the websites and and To increase the availability of seats and meet the needs of fans and enthusiasts, the Autodrome has built six new grandstands at the Villeneuve, Tosa, Gresini, Acque Minerali bends, and in the starting area in front of the pits, bringing the capacity to 90,000 places.

The new qualification format

In particular, Saturday will be characterized by a different qualifying format because Formula 1 will experiment for the first time with the single compound for each of the three sessions: in Q1 only the Hard tires can be used (white band on the shoulders of the Pirelli tires ), in Q2 the average (yellow band), while the battle for pole (Q3) will see soft tires (red band) on the track. The Grand Prix program includes two free practice sessions on Friday 19 May from 13.30 to 14.30 and from 17 to 18; on Saturday the third free practice session from 12.30 to 13.30 which will be followed by qualifying from 16 to 17. On Sunday the start of the GP is scheduled for 15. The race will be held over 63 laps of the Imola track (4,909 metres) for a total of 309.049 km. In addition to F.1, Formula 2, Formula 3 and the Porsche Supercup will be on the track.

A sustainable Grand Prix that is easy to reach by train

This year, getting to Imola is even easier and more comfortable, with the extraordinary Frecciarossa, Intercity, Eurocity trains scheduled by Trenitalia and the additional regional trains made available by Trenitalia TPER. In fact, once you get off the train, reaching the racetrack on foot is really convenient: only 1,500 meters of protected, straight path separates the station from the circuit, immediately following viale Andrea Costa (with a new redeveloped stretch that is even greener and more accessible), then crossing the historic center with numerous initiatives and, finally, entering viale Dante, a tree-lined stretch that leads directly to the Autodromo tower. Furthermore, thanks to the three-year agreement signed by Trenitalia and ACI Sport (an in-house company of the ACI group), anyone who buys a ticket to Imola on Frecciarossa, Intercity or Eurocity on will be able to get a 5% discount on the ticket price entrance to the Autodrome. Places are inevitably limited, and the offer is valid subject to availability. More information on

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