EPA seeks public comments on costs and availability of electric trucks and infrastructure

The EPA is in the process of developing funding programs for electric trucks and charging infrastructure under the Inflation Reduction Act. To guide its efforts as it finalizes what is sure to be a complex set of programs and regulations, the agency is asking for public input about the availability of zero-emission technologies in the heavy-duty vehicle and port sectors.

Last week, as Commercial Carrier Journal reports, the agency held public hearings regarding its proposed Phase 3 greenhouse-gas regulations for heavy-duty trucks. Naturally, there were skeptics, and one of their biggest objections was the inadequacy of existing charging infrastructure for heavy vehicles.

Now the EPA is inviting public comment in order to provide it with “the most comprehensive and current information available.” The agency particularly wants information about the availability, price and performance of zero-emission trucks and port equipment, and the requirements for EV charging infrastructure over the next few years.

Also of particular importance: information about systems that include US-made components. The Build America Buy America Act (BABA) requires iron, steel, manufactured products and construction materials used in infrastructure projects funded by federal financial assistance to be produced in the US.

As is often the case with government regulation, the agency must balance the need to get the job (building charging infrastructure) done quickly with other important goals (supporting domestic companies and workers), so waivers and/or extensions may be granted in certain cases.

“While BABA provides the opportunity for EPA to issue certain waivers to these requirements, approval depends on many factors, including the price and availability of domestically sourced materials and products,” says the agency.

Information gleaned from public comments “will enable EPA to effectively design programs to expeditiously fund currently available zero-emission technologies, as well as consider allowances, such as longer project timeframes, for specific technologies.”

Interested parties can submit comments through June 5.

Source: Commercial Carrier Journal

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