German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: Former VW board members are to testify as witnesses006965


The case involves a value in dispute of 4.34 billion euros.

(Photo: dpa)

In the billion-euro test case by investors on the VW diesel affair, there could be extensive evidence with many questions to the former management of the car manufacturer. The Braunschweig Higher Regional Court announced on Tuesday that a draft resolution would call for a total of 76 witnesses to be summoned, including the former members of the group’s board of directors. With a view to criticism of this measure, the Senate wants to make a final decision at the end of June.
In the process under the Capital Investors Model Proceedings Act (KapMug), there has been a dispute since 2018 about compensation for investors who suffered price losses in the billions after the Dieselgate affair was exposed at VW. At the beginning of March, the court informed those involved that it considered an extensive hearing of evidence necessary. In view of the expected time-consuming measure with an open outcome, the parties involved were recommended to examine settlement talks.

On the 14th day of the hearing, the judges explained the details of the planned taking of evidence. The main purpose of the interrogation is to clarify conflicting allegations. Among other things, it is about whether board members were aware of the installation of the impermissible defeat device before the summer of 2015.
More: Ex-Audi boss Stadler ready to confess in the diesel scandal

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