UAW President Shawn Fain outlines changes to the union’s operations ahead of bargaining

UAW President Shawn Fain outlined several changes Friday in how the union will operate going forward from its communications strategy to organizing more members across various industries to changing how it does politics.

“Our members are excited about a clean, member-driven fighting UAW,” Fain said. “That means we have to make some important changes as to how we operate.”

Fain spoke live Friday on Facebook and YouTube in what has become regular updates to the 380,000 UAW members since he took office two months ago. The updates will continue because one of the changes includes the union taking control of the narrative and sharing it before heading into bargaining a new four-year contract with the Detroit Three starting in July. The current contract expires Sept. 14.

UAW President Shawn Fain speaks to members during a Facebook and YouTube live meeting on June 16, 2023.

“For too long, our past leaders have been silent. We can’t sit back and let the companies continue to control the dialogue and define the issues and ultimately label us as the greedy union workers,” Fain said. “We have to change the narrative by using facts and we have the facts on our side. These companies have made a quarter of a trillion dollars over the last decade while during that same period conditions for our members have remained stagnant, plants have closed … this is unacceptable.”

Fain’s planned changes

Near the end of the 35-minute presentation, Fain told members, “We’re in a very strong position to make major gains this round of negotiations, but only if our members get organized and are ready to strike.”

Here are some of the changes to operations that Fain outlined:

  • In April, Fain dissolved the UAW’s public relations department to create the communications department to provide more transparency with the membership and a more aggressive communications strategy with the news media and the public. Further details were not shared during Friday’s presentation.
  • The union will put more member voices on social media, in videos speaking on key issues and do more live meetings and town halls to communicate directly with membership.
  • The union is more aggressive with lawmakers, Fain said, adding, “under my administration, we’re going to be organizing elected officials rather than being organized by them.”
  • The union is taking a new approach to organizing workers at various companies to join the union by investing in strategic campaigns, setting clear targets and having a plan and resources in place to carry it out.
  • The union has set a target “over the next few years” to bring “thousands and thousands” of workers from all sectors into the UAW.
  • Once a plant is organized, the union will keep International’s organizers there through the first contract to ensure that the companies don’t try to weaken the new union during those initial contract negotiations.
  • The union will run a contract campaign and will hold “national days of action” at the Detroit Three. Local union leaders will be receiving a letter with more information with the next steps from their regional director.